How to Have a Zero Waste BBQ This Summer!

Hey earth muffins! Summer is here, which means it is the season of BBQs! A barbecue is a popular (and enjoyable) social gathering that often involves excess waste and a negative environmental impact. However, with a few mindful choices, you can host a zero waste BBQ that is both fun AND eco-friendly. Keep reading for tips to help you reduce waste and have a sustainable BBQ this summer!

1. Serve more sustainable foods

Choose plant-based, locally sourced, and seasonal food options at your BBQ. Instead of the traditional hot dogs or hamburgers, go for vegetarian options instead. In addition, supporting local farmers not only reduces carbon emissions associated with transportation but also promotes sustainable agricultural practices. There are plenty of delicious seasonal foods to serve as well (which you can purchase at the local farmer’s market).

2. Ditch single use & go for BYO instead!

Instead of using single use plates, utensils, and cups, encourage guests to bring their own (or supply reusables). This is such a great tip for any zero waste BBQ, as single-use items are super easy to avoid with a bit of extra planning.

3. Choose a more eco-friendly charcoal

Opt for natural lump charcoal or sustainably sourced briquettes for your grill. Avoid charcoal briquettes that contain additives, binders, or chemicals, as they can release harmful pollutants when burned. Definitely not the best for you or Mother Earth!

4. Be eco with your grill!

If you are looking for a new grill for your BBQ, look at secondhand options first. If you must buy new, opt for a grill that promotes energy efficiency. Use natural cleaning products to clean the grill grates instead of harsh chemicals; and, preheat the grill for the appropriate amount of time to conserve energy too.

5. Compost your food scraps

Just like at any zero waste party, make sure the leftovers go to the appropriate place – hopefully the compost bin! Set up a designated compost bin for food scraps and other compostable materials near the trash. Once the BBQ has ended, dump that into your backyard compost. If you don’t have access to composting facilities, consider connecting with local community gardens or farmers who may be able to use your compost instead.

how to have a zero waste bbq this summer
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By implementing these tips, you can host a zero waste BBQ that reduces the environmental impact while enjoying delicious food and good company. Remember, small steps toward sustainability can make a significant difference. And I promise it won’t spoil your summer fun! Let your eco-friendly gathering serve as an example and encourage others to adopt zero waste practices at their own events. Do you have any BBQs planned for the summer??

Jenna ♥

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