Where Homeowners Can Improve Their Carbon Footprint

It’s becoming increasingly clear to, well, everyone that we need to change the way that we live. The recent IPCC report drove home the point that, while things can still be salvaged, we need to get moving! The good news is that most people are on board with this plan. They want to do their part for the world! And that’s brilliant because while the large corporations will have to shoulder most of the responsibility, we individuals have to do our bit too.

However, it’s important to know how to do things correctly. Otherwise, the necessary improvements just won’t be there! In this post, we’re going to look at some of the common environmental errors that homeowners make. If you’re guilty of any of them, then look into making some changes sooner rather than later.

New Products Everywhere

You’ll need to have plenty of items in your home if it’s going to be at its functional best. However, that doesn’t mean that you should just hit the shops every time you need something to have your home in full working condition, even if you’re looking for environmentally friendly new items. It often makes more sense — from a decor, price, and environmental standpoint — to buy used items. Those goods will work just as well as any others but won’t have anywhere near as big of an environmental impact.

Cleaning Chemicals

We all want our homes to be clean. Indeed, most people would think that it’d be pretty awful to live in a home that was fundamentally dirty! However, it’s important to think about how you’re cleaning your home. Some products can be extremely toxic, which is both bad for the environment and your health. Fortunately, there are eco-friendly alternatives for all the common home cleaning appliances, while companies that offer eco-friendly carpet cleaning will ensure that the big tasks don’t have a negative impact on your carbon footprint, either. As well as being better for the planet, you’ll also find that making the switch to eco-friendly products helps to boost your air quality, too.

Old Appliances

It’s generally better to keep hold of items for as long as possible, rather than just buying a replacement whenever you feel like it. However, there are some purchases where you should regularly upgrade—for instance, your home appliances. If you have an old washing machine or dishwasher, then it’ll probably be using more energy than it needs to. Modern appliances are much more energy-efficient. That means that every time you use it, its environmental impact will be less. And plus, you’ll save money, too.

A Lack of Imagination

Finally, let’s think about the imagination factor. Most people just make small tweaks to a pretty traditional home, but that can be a little limiting. There’s so much more that you can do! So rather than just trying to adapt to what you have to be more eco-friendly, think about the additional things you can do that’ll lead to having a home that’s better for the world as a whole.

Jenna ♥

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