How to Spot Fast Fashion Brands & Their Red Flags

Hey earth muffins! In recent years, fast fashion has become a hot topic due to its negative impact on the environment and human rights. Fast fashion brands prioritize cheap and trendy clothing over quality and sustainability, which often leads to overconsumption and waste. If you want to make more sustainable fashion choices, it’s important to know how to identify and spot fast fashion brands. Here are some key things to look for:

~LOW prices

One of the obvious signs of a fast fashion brand is its low prices. Brands like Shein, Forever21, etc. produce clothes quickly and cheaply. This allows them to sell their products at prices that are much lower than more sustainable brands. If you see an article of clothing that costs only a few dollars, it’s likely that it was made by a fast fashion company.

~Rapidly rotating styles

Another easy way to spot fast fashion brands is to look at how often they rotate their “trends”. Many trendy styles are only in fashion for a short period of time… Fast fashion brands produce clothing collections quickly and constantly change their stock to keep up with these trends. If you see a company constantly changing what they sell, it’s a fast fashion brand for sure!

~Poor quality

Another characteristic of fast fashion is the terrible quality of the clothes. Fast fashion is often made from low-quality materials and are not designed to last long. They may look good in the store, but after a few wears/washes, may start to fade, shrink, or even fall apart. This results in further overconsumption when consumers have to buy more clothes to replace the ones that didn’t last.

~Overproduction –> Lots of clearance racks

Most fast fashion brands produce more clothes than they can sell. This often leads to a lot of unsold inventory, which is then either donated or sent to landfills (sad). If you see a store that always has racks of unsold clothes on clearance, it’s likely that it’s a fast fashion brand.

~No transparency

Last but certainly not least, fast fashion brands are often not transparent about their production processes. They may not disclose where their clothes are made, who made them, or what materials were used to make them. They may also not provide information about their environmental and labor practices either which is always a red flag. If you can’t find any information about production or sustainability on their website, it is best to avoid the fast fashion brand.

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In summary, fast fashion brands prioritize everything except quality and sustainability. If you want to make more sustainable fashion choices, it’s important to know how to spot fast fashion brands: low prices, trendy styles, poor quality, overproduction, and a lack of transparency all suggest fast fashion. By avoiding fast fashion brands and opting for more sustainable alternatives, you can make a positive impact on the environment and human rights. How do you avoid fast fashion? Comment below and let me know!

Jenna ♥

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