Eco-Friendly Fashion Made Easy

When looking to adopt a sustainable lifestyle, making the right fashion choices should be one of the very top items on your agenda. Most people probably appreciate the importance of opting for natural materials. However, you can do so much more. Here are some simple tips to make the pursuit of eco-friendly fashion far easier to manage.

#1. Support Ethical Companies

The decisions you make will have minimal impact compared to the efforts of the businesses you support. So, it’s vital that you select the right ones. It’s not just about using natural materials, either. Lab grown diamond bracelets at Whiteflash are a great example of this. After all, the traditional diamond mining industry can cause significant carbon emissions. Avoiding this is ideal. It can also be hugely rewarding to support a business that has a dedicated roadmap to net zero in place.

#2. Consider The Packaging & Delivery

A company’s carbon emissions aren’t limited to the product. The fashion industry contributes 10% of the world’s pollution due to several factors. Manufacturing processes play a central role. Still, packaging supplies and delivery methods are also vital. If you are serious about supporting the planet, using local brands that adopt greener packaging materials is the best route. When this is combined with the use of efficient productivity and low waste, your fashion choices will be deemed more sustainable.

#3. Embrace Used Fashion

One of the most effective ways to support eco-friendly fashion is to purchase pre-worn items. You can find them from charity stores, online marketplaces, or friends and family. Either way, the knowledge that you’ve bought a product that does not require extra materials to be used can have a telling influence on your mindset too. Accessories like bags and headwear are popular choices. You could extend this to the concept of renting suits or outfits for special attire. Increased wear, even from multiple people, has a positive impact.

#4. Upcycle & Repurpose Old Clothes

Buying used clothes isn’t the only way to give them a new lease of life. It should also be noted that upcycling can be a great option. It restores your love of an item, which can save you from requiring an additional purchase. Alternatively, you could sell clothes on Depop or other online platforms. Or you can donate them to the local charity store, although this removes your hopes of making money. Even if you simply swap clothes with friends or relatives, it is a good way to tap into the process of embracing green fashion.

#5. Focus On Quality

Cheap fashion and fast fashion are leading contributors to the damage caused by the industry. This is largely because the items don’t last. So, you pick up a cheap garment but end up replacing it three times as frequently. It might not have an overly negative impact on your personal finances because the items are so cheap. Nevertheless, their impact on the environment is vast. Besides, quality clothing will hang better on your body. Now is the time to make a shift towards quality over quantity.

#6. Use Eco-Friendly Cleaning Routines

Keeping your clothes in good condition without causing excessive carbon emissions is vital. Just as important as making the right purchases in the first place. If you have already implemented a greener spring cleaning ritual, you should extend this to your clothes washing habits. Using less energy and eco-friendly cleaning materials will make a huge difference to the overall situation. When used in conjunction with the other steps above, the impact of your fashion choices will be greatly reduced.

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