Hey earth muffins! Spring is finally here – and I’m loving it! This weekend I did a deep clean of my house, which included sorting through some stuff and donating to a local secondhand shop. While spring cleaning isn’t always the most exciting thing, it is definitely rewarding. You can stay sustainable as you clean too – keep reading for the best tips on eco-friendly spring cleaning!

~Use natural (or DIY) cleaners
What you use to clean is one of the most important parts of spring cleaning. You want to make sure these cleaners are good for your family (and pets) as well as being good for Mother Earth. I personally use an all-purpose cleaner made from simple ingredients or Koala Eco’s natural cleaner. There are plenty of ways to stay eco-friendly with your cleaning supples – check out this full list of everything you need for zero waste cleaning.
~Don’t try to do everything in one day.
Spring cleaning can be overwhelming, so take it one room at a time. Start with the sections of the house that you are dreading the most – that way they will be done with first!
~Use reusable paper towels, rags, and dusting cloths.
Instead of paper towels, use something a bit more sustainable. If you have paperless paper towels, those are a great option and work just as well. Old washcloths or rags are perfect too. You can also buy reusable dusting cloths for Swiffer sticks, which is a great way to avoid single-use dusters!
~Donate items that are still useable!
You can definitely toss anything that needs to be thrown into the trash; but, it is important to donate everything you can to the charities in your area that can use them the most. This might be a secondhand shop… Or maybe an animal shelter in town. Don’t just drop everything off at one spot as you can definitely allocate the resources better. Check out this full guide on where to donate your stuff after decluttering!

There you have it – you can still be sustainable when spring cleaning! Reducing your impact on the planet starts with what cleaning supplies you use. Not only are certain ones better for the earth, they are also better for you! Then, it is important to opt for reusable cloths to avoid anything single use. Don’t forget to donate what you can after your cleaning is done! How do you plan on doing eco-friendly spring cleaning this year? Comment below and let me know your thoughts!
Jenna ♥
Lots of great suggestions! I especially like the one about not doing it all in one day. Sometimes, it can feel like way too much. I’ve been trying to do smaller tasks and slowly get things all cleaned and organized.