bookmark_borderTips for Buying Secondhand Jewelry! (An Eco Way to Shop)

In a world where conscious consumerism is gaining momentum, secondhand shopping has emerged as a sustainable and stylish choice. When it comes to jewelry, buying secondhand not only adds unique pieces to your collection but also reduces the demand for new resources. There are just so many reasons to opt for secondhand jewelry! In this blog post, we’ll explore the top tips for buying secondhand jewelry that’s as dazzling as it is eco-friendly.

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bookmark_borderHow to Extend the Lifespan of Your Clothes!

Hey earth muffins! In a world where fast fashion is the norm, it is important to opt for secondhand, high-quality pieces that will stay out of the landfill longer. In this blog post, we’ll delve into practical tips to help you extend the lifespan of your clothes, fostering a more sustainable and mindful approach to fashion. And, you’ll get to rock your classic pieces longer too!

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bookmark_borderBurudani Shoes Review – Are They Actually Sustainable??

Hey earth muffins! When I started my current job two years ago, I invested in some nice work shoes from Rothy and All Birds. Unfortunately, my All Bird flats recently got a hole in them… So, I decided to find some other sustainable shoe company to test out. I saw some YouTubers talking about Burudani – a new brand on the market selling “sustainable” shoes for an affordable price. In today’s post, I will share my Burudani shoes review with you all – and let you know if the company is truly sustainable or not!

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bookmark_borderThe Problem with Sustainable Fashion Brands

Hey earth muffins! The rise of sustainable fashion brands has sparked a transformative wave in the fashion industry. While these companies are much better than their fast fashion counterparts, there are still challenges that exist with sustainable fashion. In this blog post, we will dive into all of the problems with sustainable fashion brands, from cost considerations to greenwashing risks. Hopefully this gives you a better perspective the next time you go to purchase clothing from one of these companies.

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bookmark_borderHere’s All The Reasons Why You Should Avoid Shein

Hey earth muffins! Shein is a popular online retailer known for its trendy and affordable fashion. It has been dominating spaces like TikTok but has also been getting negative attention for its various poor practices. It’s important to consider the ethical and environmental implications of supporting fast fashion brands like Shein. Here are some reasons why you should avoid Shein at all costs!

~The terrible environmental impact

Firstly, fast fashion is notorious for its negative environmental impact. Shein’s business model relies on producing large quantities of cheap clothing, leading to excessive resource consumption and waste. This makes it easy to spot Shein as a fast fashion brand. The production process involves extensive water usage, toxic chemical dyes, and the release of greenhouse gases. Instead, you can avoid this by shopping secondhand for more sustainable clothing.

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bookmark_borderHow to Spot Fast Fashion Brands & Their Red Flags

Hey earth muffins! In recent years, fast fashion has become a hot topic due to its negative impact on the environment and human rights. Fast fashion brands prioritize cheap and trendy clothing over quality and sustainability, which often leads to overconsumption and waste. If you want to make more sustainable fashion choices, it’s important to know how to identify and spot fast fashion brands. Here are some key things to look for:

~LOW prices

One of the obvious signs of a fast fashion brand is its low prices. Brands like Shein, Forever21, etc. produce clothes quickly and cheaply. This allows them to sell their products at prices that are much lower than more sustainable brands. If you see an article of clothing that costs only a few dollars, it’s likely that it was made by a fast fashion company.

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bookmark_borderHow to Thrift a Prom Dress!

Hey earth muffins! Prom season is right around the corner. It has been many (many) years since my proms, but I still love looking at all the fancy gowns. If you are interested in reducing your impact on the planet, try thrifting your prom dress this year! Not only will you save a ton of money in the process, you never have to worry about showing up in the same dress as someone else. Keep reading for all the best tips on how to thrift a prom dress this spring!

How to Thrift Your Prom Dress:

Tip #1 – Start early! Secondhand shopping is unique because there is a little bit of everything out year round. While some stores save certain items to put out at different times of the year, you will most likely be able to find all sorts of fancy dresses regardless of when you shop. This can be helpful to keep an eye on prom dresses months before the big night. In addition, it is always better to start early with your shopping and give yourself plenty of time to find the perfect dress.

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bookmark_borderIs The H&M Conscious Choice Line Actually Eco-Friendly??

Hey earth muffins! While thrifting is always my number 1 choice when it comes to purchasing new clothes, I have been curious lately to see if “normal” fast fashion companies are getting better when it comes to sustainability. H&M is the first brand I think of that broadcasts it’s sustainability values to the world, so I wanted to take a look into their eco-friendly clothing line – Conscious Choice.

What is H&M’s Conscious Choice Line?

According to the H&M website, pieces “created with a little extra consideration for the planet” are labeled as part of this “exclusive” line. In order to qualify for this range, each product must meet the following:

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