The Fast Fashion Faux Pas That Need To Change!

Hey earth muffins! When I started my journey towards being more sustainable, I vowed to refuse all fast fashion and opt for secondhand options instead. So far, this has been super successful – I don’t even miss fast fashion at all! 😊 Today I wanted to talk about some fast fashion “faux pas” that our society needs to change. In order to embrace more sustainable fashion, we need to shift our mindsets into new ideas about what we wear and how we take care of our clothes. Let’s jump right into the post!

Once something rips, it is done for. ➡️ Let’s get into the habit of mending our clothes!

The first fast fashion faux pas I want to discuss is the idea that your clothes are “unworthy” once they show some wear. This is stupid for multiple reasons. The quality of most clothing has decreased over the past decade or so. Therefore, they aren’t going to look exactly how they were when you purchased it for long… But that doesn’t mean you need to toss them into the donation bin. Take care of your clothes and mend everything that is easy to fix: sew up small holes, replace buttons, hem pant legs, etc. Why throw away your favorite pieces of clothing just because they aren’t “perfect” anymore?

Once you wear an outfit somewhere, you can’t wear it again. ➡️ Let’s join Lizzie McGuire as outfit repeaters!

Obviously, it isn’t a fast fashion faux pas to wear the same shirts and pants occasionally; however, it seems like once you wear certain things (such as a formal dress to a dressy event) you aren’t “supposed” to wear it again. I hear people talking about how they must go shopping for a new outfit for each event. If you want to do this, then I suggest getting secondhand clothing instead. Or, just use what you already have in your closet! It is so much more sustainable and eco-friendly to not over consume and continue to wear the same outfits again and again. Be a proud outfit repeater!

Secondhand fashion can’t be “cool”. ➡️ Secondhand fashion is the coolest!

I think there has been a big shift in this faux pas over the past few years with the rise of thrifting platforms such as Depop and ThredUp. However, many people still believe that secondhand shopping is “gross” and “uncool”. You can obviously argue that fast fashion is the most uncool form of fashion out there for the planet – the statistics don’t lie! I also think that you can make thrifted pieces totally in style – check out this guide on how to make secondhand fashion trendy!

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Final Thoughts on Fast Fashion Faux Pas

Overall, I think there are many fast fashion faux pas that must be changed in our society to ensure a more eco-friendly future for the clothing industry. Take the time to mend your clothes when they become a little worn. Become a proud outfit repeater! And learn how to make your secondhand fashion finds as “cool” and “trendy” as the crappy fast fashion pieces on the market. Slow fashion is a remarkable thing, and I highly recommend everyone do their best to reduce their impact on Mother Earth by shifting their mindsets around these faux pas. What do you do to take care of your clothes? Comment below!

Jenna ♥

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  1. I love this! Yes, let’s be outfit repeaters! My husband always says that I wear the same 20 or so pieces over and over again…but when you love something, you love it, and that’s a sign that it should stay in your closet!

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