Hey earth muffins! Today I wanted to talk a little bit about eco-anxiety. If you have been following my blog for awhile, you will know that I have struggled with anxiety throughout my life. Especially in college, it was crucial for me to take care of myself to ensure my anxiety didn’t hinder my busy life. After starting my journey towards living a sustainable, low waste lifestyle, I was introduced to a new form of anxiety: eco-anxiety. After doing some research, I found that this is more common than I thought. Hopefully this post can help my fellow earth muffins; let’s jump right into a discussion on eco-anxiety and what you can do to cope with it! 🌎

What is Eco-Anxiety?
According to Healthline, eco-anxiety “refers to persistent worries about the future of Earth and the life it shelters.” Anxiety happens when the body experiences a fight or flight response to some perceived threat. For someone who has anxiety, often these “threats” I perceive aren’t really threats at all… Just worries or big life changes. However, climate change is a real threat to everyone, so it makes sense that eco-anxiety is a normal response.
“Eco-anxiety refers to a fear of environmental damage or ecological disaster. This sense of anxiety is largely based on the current and predicted future state of the environment and human-induced climate change.”
Medical News Today
Just like with any anxiety, there are many possible symptoms. The list includes anger or frustration towards those who don’t believe in climate change, guilt around your imperfect eco lifestyle, feelings of depression or panic, and even existential dread. This type of anxiety is not listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) (yet); but, it seems like it is becoming referenced and diagnosed more.
How to Cope with Eco-Anxiety
If you find yourself struggling with any type of eco-anxiety, there are multiple ways for you to cope with it. Here are some of my top recommendations:
1. Get involved with eco causes!
There are plenty of other earth muffins out there… So it helps to join with others to make a difference. Every small change you make in your daily life matters, but these small changes grow exponentially when you do them with others. When you start making greener choices with people, you won’t be so inclined to worry about the future of the planet.
2. Help spread the green movement.
It is easy – try these tips on getting others involved in your green journey. Educate yourself about the state of the planet and share the news with those around you. Who knows, you might even get your friends and family to make more eco-friendly choices too!
3. Stay positive!
The news is always full of the bad stuff – oil spills, statistics on carbon emissions, etc. BUT, the news often doesn’t show the good stuff people do for the planet. Sustainable companies are creating new products with lower impacts, people (just like you!) are spreading the movement – the future isn’t totally bleak. If you do your best to be positive and optimistic, you will be less likely to struggle with your eco-anxiety.
4. Get out there and enjoy nature.
Spending time with the planet’s best resources (especially during the fall when the weather is nice and cool) is a great way to combat your eco-anxiety. It works as almost a grounding technique to keep yourself connected to the nature you are so worried about. Take a walk, plant a garden, or just sit outside and think. These are all great ways to cope with your anxiety.
5. Don’t be afraid to get help!
Anxiety can be difficult to deal with. I’ve read a lot of books about coping with anxiety and have found certain techniques that work for me… But, if you are really struggling, don’t be afraid to go to a therapist or doctor! If that isn’t in your budget, try talking to trusted friends. Or use more affordable therapy options like BetterHelp. It is important to address your anxiety now before it gets unmanageable.

Final Thoughts on Eco-Anxiety
Eco-anxiety is definitely a real thing. Environmental events are constantly bombarding us in the news, so it can be difficult to have an optimist view of our planet’s future. If you find yourself struggling with eco-anxiety, know that it is totally normal to have these feelings. There are plently of ways to cope with it as well: spending time with nature, reading books about anxiety, and doing your best to live a sustainable lifestyle. You can overcome your anxiety, I promise! 🌎 ❤️ Have you ever had feelings of eco-anxiety? Comment below your thoughts and what you do to cope with feelings of anxiety.
Jenna ♥
Wow. This is such a fascinating topic. I am an anxious person by nature, so I definitely understand feeling anxious about things outside of our control. I am so glad you wrote this post. I am sure it will help so many people struggling with these worries and fears. <3