Go Green for the Holidays – How to Have an Eco-Friendly Season

Hey earth muffins! Whether you are prepared for it or not, the holiday season is upon us. Thanksgiving and Christmas are some of my favorite times of year. It is important to stay eco-friendly even when we are busy celebrating with family and friends! If you prep in advance to stay sustainable, you will be more likely to stick to these values even during the busiest times. In today’s post, I will be sharing my top tips on how you can go green for the holidays. Let’s jump right in and get ready to celebrate! 🎉

Go green by reducing your food waste!

Especially with Thanksgiving just around the corner, take actions to reduce your food waste over the holidays. This can be as simple as planning your meals or shopping your pantry before the grocery store. But, you can even push yourself to cook more vegetarian dishes or start composting in your backyard! Check out this full guide on how you can reduce your food waste. You’d be surprised on how much food you can divert from the landfill by following these simple tips!

Support local and do all your holiday shopping at small businesses.

It has been a hard two years for everyone, but extremely challenging for small businesses. Make a conscious effort to do all of your holiday shopping local this year! This could even benefit you with the huge backlog of container ships, as you won’t have to wait on any straggling items to show up at your house. My city has quite a few options for local shopping, and I have discovered places I didn’t even know existed – such as a used record store! If you want to go green for the holidays, you can also participate in Buy Nothing Day the Friday after Thanksgiving. Instead of overconsuming on Black Friday, stay home and spend quality time with those you love!

Get creative and make some DIYs for the holidays!

Who said you have to buy everything during the holidays? A great way to make gifts and holiday decor is by busting out your craft supplies and getting a little bit creative. Pinterest always has so many cute ideas for the holidays, so get researching for some inspiration. Getting creative is a great idea if you shop secondhand for gifts as well – sometimes you need to do a little mending/crafting to get things in perfect condition for your loved one!

Use air travel as a last resort.

Thanksgiving and Christmas are times when there is an increase in all forms of travel. This is especially true for air travel. If you need to travel to get home for the holidays, I suggest looking at options like buses, trains, and even cars before booking that airplane ticket. I understand that sometimes it is a necessity and some holidays, like Thanksgiving, have a really quick turn around. But, at least try to go green for the holidays and reduce your air travel as much as possible!

Make sure your house is prepared for the winter!

Turn your heat down a couple extra degrees and get in the habit of wearing warm clothes instead. Make sure your windows and doors are not letting in any cold weather – this will prevent you from having to use even more heat. These things are important for the holidays, as you do not want to be wasting any precious resources.

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Final Thoughts!

Overall, there are plenty of ways to go green for the holidays. The upcoming season is one full of good food and loved ones… But, it can also be full of excess waste if you aren’t careful. Take the time to make a plan to reduce your food waste. Be thoughtful about your holiday shopping. And, make sure your house is ready for the cold weather! ❄️ What will you be doing this holiday season to reduce waste?? Comment below and share your tips with the earth muffin family!

Jenna ♥

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  1. These are wonderful suggestions! I am trying to use some of the leftover crafting supplies I have laying around to create some special DIY gifts for loved ones. <3

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