Hey earth muffins! Ever since I started my journey towards low-waste living, I try to choose secondhand shopping as much as possible. Some of my favorites include thrifting and shopping at antique stores. I have definitely been doing a lot more shopping to furnish my house after buying it this December. I’ve created a list of my top thrift shopping tips, but I have never written a post for antiquing… Until today! Here’s the ultimate guide on how to antique shop – let’s jump right into my shopping tips. 🙃

1. Make a list of what you’re looking for before you go.
There can be a lot of stuff at antique stores, so don’t make yourself overwhelmed by going in with no idea on what you are looking for. This list doesn’t have to be specific; I actually would recommend it be very broad! If you know you are looking for a lamp or key hook just leave it at that. You never know what you might find, so don’t close your mind to only super specific items.
2. Be picky about what antique stores you go to.
Set yourself up for success by going to stores that you know are good! When I lived in Grand Rapids, I always hit up the best antique store in the city. If you are new to the area or are in a different city, try looking at reviews to pinpoint places you want to shop at. I often look for antique malls because they are larger and have more variety. But, smaller shops can have some great finds too!
3. Give yourself plenty of time.
Especially for larger stores, it can be difficult to find good items if you are rushed. Take your time looking through the store, as you never know what you will miss if you are in a hurry.
4. Don’t buy every item you like.
It is important to shop in a sustainable way even though you are secondhand shopping! Just because you like 20 items doesn’t mean you will actually use them all for the next ten years. I only buy the things I absolutely love and know that I will use for a long time. Antiques have already been well loved by someone in the past; so, make sure you actually need the items you purchase to keep that cycle going.
5. Look at everything.
Just like with thrift shopping, I recommend looking at everything in the store (regardless of the department or booth!). If an area looks like it has a bunch of tools, still take a glance and see what else is hiding among the shelves.

6. Don’t be afraid to haggle!
A “how to antique shop” post is not complete without mentioning price. While it is a myth that antique shopping is always expensive, you should still take the price tag with a grain of salt. Unless the booth says the prices are fixed, I always suggest negotiating for a lower price if you feel comfortable doing so. And of course no need to do that if you think the price is fair!
7. Make sure your phone is handy for some research.
I’m not really one to care about the brands and age of items, but some people do when they antique shop. If you want to verify the price or product, having your phone ready for a quick Internet search is always a good idea. This can also be helpful in confirming all the pieces of a set (furniture, kitchenware, etc.) are there before you buy it as well. Sometimes I just like to search what an item was supposed to be used for! 😆
8. Give your item an inspection before purchase.
I think this goes without saying – you are buying something that is used and secondhand…. So it might not be perfect. I’ve thrifted many items that end up having stains or holes because I didn’t do a thorough look over it. For any antique, give it a nice inspection. Make sure you are okay with the item as is before you purchase!
9. Have a game plan ready if you find larger pieces.
Most antique stores allow you to purchase large items (like furniture) in advance and then come back later to haul it away. Make sure you know what you will do if you end up finding something that you can’t lift yourself: what car will it fit in? Will you need a UHaul? Is your partner/friend/coworker nearby to help you lift it? It is important to think of these things in advance!
10. Be okay with buying nothing.
While a “how to antique shop” post can be helpful, it doesn’t mean you will find something at every antique store you go to. And that is totally okay! Make sure you have the mindset that finding nothing is totally fine. You don’t want to buy things you don’t need/want (see tip number 4) just because you feel like you have to buy something. Sometimes the fun of antique shopping is just looking at all the old items!

Final Thoughts on How to Antique Shop
I’m a huge sucker for thrifting and antique shopping – it is such a great way to find quality items secondhand! To have a successful antique trip, you need to know what you are looking for and give yourself plenty of time to look through all the booths. Be picky about what items you end up purchasing and, of course, don’t be afraid to haggle on price. 😍 What is your favorite antique store find? Comment below and share your tips for finding the best items at antique shops!
Jenna ♥
Sometimes I do just enjoy looking and taking note that the old things are so much more durable than our throwaway junk. The older stuff seems more personal and less mass produced.
Enjoyed your post!
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