Hey earth muffins! When you start living low waste and actively make changes to reduce your impact, it is important to educate yourself on the best ways to do so. What are the best ways to learn about sustainable living??? Keep reading for the top ways to continue learning about eco-friendly lifestyles!

Follow people who care about the planet.
The easiest way to learn more about sustainable living is to make sure your social media feeds are full of people who care about our planet. Skip over those lame TikTokers who just dance around and opt for sustainability influencers that can teach you tips about eco-friendly living. If you aren’t already, make sure you follow Life of an Earth Muffin; hopefully you learn a bunch about low waste lifestyles from these posts! 😊 Check out this list of the best sustainability influencers if you need a few other suggestions as well!
Do your research – read, watch, etc.
There are tons of resources out there centered around sustainable living. Books are always a great place to start; your library will have plenty of options to get you started on an eco journey. For those who enjoy more short form content, read up on sustainable news online. If you aren’t a huge reader in general, watch some documentaries about saving the planet.
Find out some things for yourself
You learn a lot about sustainable living by actually doing it. From figuring out how to successfully use the compost bin to reducing plastic, sometimes the best way to learn is to just do. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t succeed at first; learning is part of eco living. You will catch on in no time!
Talk to others who care about sustainable living!
Chatting with others in your community (who also care about Mother Earth) is a great way to stay up to date on eco-friendly living. You can share tips and tricks with each other as you learn… And you might even be able to volunteer for planet worthy causes too. Plus, there is more power in numbers. While small changes are great, more people doing small things is even better!

Overall, there are plenty of ways to learn about sustainable living. You can get your information through reading or by trying it out yourself… Or by learning with those in your community! If you want to get eco-friendly posts delivered right to your inbox, don’t forget to subscribe to this blog as well (link below!). 😊 How do you learn about sustainable living? Comment below and let me know your thoughts!
Jenna ♥
These are wonderful suggestions. There is always a lot to learn from others!