Tips for Eco-Friendly Apple Picking!

Hey earth muffins! Apple picking is a delightful autumn activity, connecting us with nature and providing a plethora of delicious, fresh apples for baking fall treats. However, to ensure our apple picking adventures are as eco-friendly as possible, it’s crucial to make sustainable choices. In this blog post, we’ll explore tips and tricks to help you enjoy a responsible, eco-friendly apple picking experience.

~Pick orchards with good sustainable practices

Opt for local, organic orchards that prioritize sustainable farming practices instead of stopping at the first commercialized cider mill. By choosing local, you are supporting your local economy. And, supporting farmers who avoid harmful pesticides and chemicals on their apples. Definitely much better for the planet!

~Carpool with family/friends!

Consider organizing a group outing to reduce the number of vehicles heading to the orchard. Carpooling or using public transportation minimizes emissions and contributes to a greener adventure. Plus, it is a lot more fun to go apple picking with family and friends.

~Bring your own bag(s) and/or basket(s)

Leave single-use plastic bags behind and opt for reusable bags, baskets, or containers for collecting apples. Most orchards just charge by weight, so this is a great way to reduce your impact a bit.

~Leave no trace

Follow the principles of “Leave No Trace” by cleaning up after yourself in the orchard. Avoid littering and dispose of any waste properly, either by recycling or taking it with you. It is important to also respect the trees producing the apples – don’t climb them, damage branches, or break off any limbs when picking.

~Practice mindful, eco-friendly apple picking!

Going eco-friendly apple picking is exciting… But it is important to contain this excitement and only pick what you are actually going to eat. Don’t pick apples off a tree and then leave them behind; anything you take off the trees should go home with you. That way you are respecting the orchard and consuming all the fruit you take.

~Prep in advance to compost your waste

Before you go picking, make sure you have some sort of compost bin set up (or pay for a compost waste pickup program). This will allow you to compost all the apple cores, peels, etc. as you consume the fruit. You definitely don’t want these biodegradable bits to end up in the landfill as they won’t break down correctly.

tips for eco-friendly apple picking
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Eco-friendly apple picking is a wonderful way to celebrate the fall season while connecting with nature. By applying these sustainable tips, you can make a positive impact on the environment during your cider mill adventure. Let’s cherish the beauty of autumn responsibly and sustainably, leaving our orchards healthier for future generations to enjoy! Have you gone apple picking this fall??

Jenna ♥

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