bookmark_borderIt’s a Great Day for Cleaning (A Koala Eco Review)

Hey earth muffins! Koala Eco recently sent over some of their products to try… And it has been awesome testing out some new eco-friendly cleaning products around the house! Their natural multi-purpose kitchen cleaner is a great way to reduce your impact on the planet when it comes to cleaning. Keep reading for a full Koala Eco review!

Koala Eco Natural Multi-Purpose Kitchen Cleaner

What I Love About Koala Eco Cleaner

Like most of the products I review on this blog, this kitchen cleaner is truly sustainable. The brand bleeds sustainability through and through. The box it is shipped in is recyclable (and even has a cool built in bottle holder so that there is no need for bubble wrap or packing peanuts). The cleaner itself is biodegradable and the bottles are made of 100% recycled plastic AND are recyclable after use. Pretty awesome! ๐Ÿ˜Š

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