bookmark_borderIt’s a Great Day for Cleaning (A Koala Eco Review)

Hey earth muffins! Koala Eco recently sent over some of their products to try… And it has been awesome testing out some new eco-friendly cleaning products around the house! Their natural multi-purpose kitchen cleaner is a great way to reduce your impact on the planet when it comes to cleaning. Keep reading for a full Koala Eco review!

Koala Eco Natural Multi-Purpose Kitchen Cleaner

What I Love About Koala Eco Cleaner

Like most of the products I review on this blog, this kitchen cleaner is truly sustainable. The brand bleeds sustainability through and through. The box it is shipped in is recyclable (and even has a cool built in bottle holder so that there is no need for bubble wrap or packing peanuts). The cleaner itself is biodegradable and the bottles are made of 100% recycled plastic AND are recyclable after use. Pretty awesome! ๐Ÿ˜Š

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bookmark_borderHere’s Everything You Need for Zero Waste Cleaning

Hey earth muffins! When I started my eco journey, I made it a goal that once I used up all my cleaners I would slowly replace them with eco-friendly alternatives. This goal has been stretched out after moving in with my boyfriend because he also came with a lot of plastic bottled cleaners…. BUT, I have finally been able to start using zero waste cleaners! If you are interested in how to zero waste your cleaning supplies, this is the full list of everything you could ever need for zero waste cleaning. Let’s jump right into it!

The Essentials

You can’t do sustainable cleaning without vinegar and baking soda. I buy a huge container of vinegar and keep it under my sink. It is multi-purpose and can be used as a cleanser, deodorizer, and even to cut grease. My favorite easy-to-make all-purpose cleaner is also made with vinegar. Baking soda is another great thing to have in bulk. It is an abrasive (and also a deodorizer)… It makes my sinks/shower shine and can even be used to unclog drains too.

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bookmark_borderThe Best DIY All Purpose Cleaner for Spring Cleaning

Hey earth muffins! I love spring for multiple reasons: the end of winter, flowers blooming, and (yes) even spring cleaning. There is something about decluttering and sorting the house that clears my mind and makes me feel more at ease at home. Does anyone agree with me?? While cleaning isn’t the most enjoyable activity, the reward after is always worth it. Plus, you can stay sustainable and zero waste as you clean too! Today I will be sharing my favorite DIY all purpose cleaner with you all – let’s jump right into it!

Why Should You Make Your Own All Purpose Cleaner?

Let’s face it – there is an endless array of cleaners at the store. It is honestly so overwhelming (and smelly) in the cleaning supplies aisle! Along with stressing your brain out with too many options, most cleaners are full of nasty chemicals that aren’t great for you. While they are supposed to keep your house clean, do you really want to breathe in all those toxins when there are other more natural options?? On top of this, many come in plastic bottles too which means they are bad for the environment and typically end up in the landfill. So instead of buying cleaners this spring, I suggest making your own! This is a great way to zero waste your cleaning supplies and keep your household chemical-free.

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