bookmark_borderThe BEST Tips for Line Drying Your Clothes Outside

Hey earth muffins! Drying clothes on a line outside is not only a sustainable and cost-effective way to dry your laundry but also a refreshing alternative to using a dryer. It is a great way to zero waste your laundry routine! Instead of using energy from a dryer, hanging your clothes in the open air allows them to naturally dry in the sun. If you’re new to line drying or want to make the most of this method, keep reading for some tips for line drying to ensure effective and efficient drying!

Tips for Line Drying Clothes:

  • Choose a Sunny and Breezy Spot: Find a location in your yard that receives ample sunlight. Bonus points if it has good air circulation too! Sunlight helps speed up the drying process, and a gentle breeze aids in evaporating moisture and preventing clothes from becoming stiff.
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bookmark_borderThe Benefits of Wool Dryer Balls – Do They Actually Work??

Hey earth muffins! I can’t believe April is almost here 🌷 The weather has been getting warmer and my busy season at work is slowly coming to a close… I am definitey excited to have some free time again! In today’s post, I want to talk about laundry. While not glamorous or exciting, it is a necessary chore that I seem to be doing constantly. To make your laundry routine more eco-friendly, I suggest using wool dryer balls. Do they actually work? 🤔 Keep reading to find out!

What is Great About Wool Dryer Balls

There are plenty of ways to zero waste laundry in your house. This is one of the easiest! Instead of using single-use dryer sheets, buy yourself a set of wool dryer balls instead. They are reusable over multiple years, which beats tossing dryer sheets in the trash after every load of laundry. What a win for the planet!

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