bookmark_borderThe Benefits of Reusable Pads (and Other Eco Period Products)

Menstrual health and hygiene have traditionally been areas dominated by disposable products like pads and tampons. However, the environmental impact of these products has led to a significant shift towards more sustainable alternatives. Reusable period products, such as cloth pads, menstrual cups, and period underwear, are gaining popularity for their eco-friendliness, cost-effectiveness, and health benefits. Here’s a closer look at the benefits of reusable pads!

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bookmark_borderWhich is Better: Reusable Pads vs Menstrual Cups?

Hey earth muffins! 2021, for me, was the year of trying out different ways to zero waste my period. While I haven’t tried all the methods to have a zero waste period, I focused my time on menstrual cups and reusable menstrual pads. These are some of the most popular options when it comes to making your time of the month more sustainable. So, which do I prefer? 🤔 In today’s post, I will be sharing my thoughts on reusable pads vs menstrual cups… Let’s jump right into it!

Why Reusable Pads Are Better

The first thing that makes reusable pads better is that they aren’t as invasive as menstrual cups. One of the major concerns I had when trying out a cup was that it required me to insert it and remove it… Which can be pretty terrifying at first! Once you get the hang of it it isn’t scary anymore; check out my tips on how to insert and remove a menstrual cup if you still struggle! Overall, reusable pads are way less invasive even when you get the hang of cups.

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bookmark_borderA Review of the Lena Menstrual Cup

Hey earth muffins! If you have been following me on this blog or on Instagram, you will know that I have been trying out a menstrual cup for a few months. Now that I’ve had some time to use the Lena cup, I thought I would share a full review of this sustainable period product. I bought my Lena cup on Amazon for about $25 (affiliate link). It comes in two different sizes but because my flow isn’t super heavy, I went with the small version. I’ve been using this cup for 5 months now, so let’s jump right into the Lena menstrual cup review! 😊

A picture of the Lena menstrual cup

What I Love About the Lena Cup

Obviously I love that it is sustainable! There are multiple ways to zero waste your period from reusable pads to period underwear. I have never been a tampon girl, so I’d probably be the most comfortable with reusable pads. But, I don’t have my own laundry in my apartment right now; so, I would definitely feel uncomfortable washing reusable pads in the shared space. Maybe when I move next I will give them a try! Menstrual cups are awesome because it saves you from throwing anything away during your period. 😍 One cup will last you many years and can stay in your body for up to 12 hours – so amazing to think about all the pads/tampons you won’t have to use!

Because I wasn’t a tampon girl, I was scared that a menstrual cup would be hard to use… But it isn’t! Sure, it might take a few cycles to get used to, but it is definitely something you can learn. I’ve also been surprised by how many resources are out there on YouTube, blogs, etc. Any question you have will be answered if you look hard enough. 😊 If you are new to using a menstrual cup, make sure to check out my post on tips for inserting and removing one!

A menstrual cup in the C-fold

What I Like about my Lena Cup!

I love that the Lena cup is made of medical grade silicone because it saves my body from being exposed to the chemicals that are typically in other period products. It blows my mind that companies are able to put nasty things in items that 50% of the population uses… Especially when they come in such close contact to our most sensitive areas! I haven’t noticed any differences (other than there being no period smells), but I’m positive my body is better off now!

The Lena cup is super easy to clean – all you have to do is boil it! I will typically let it sit in boiling water for a good 5 minutes before each cycle. The cup I got is pink; I haven’t had any trouble with staining or things like that. Even after 5 months it still looks like when I first bought it!

What I’m Struggling With

If I’m being honest, I am currently looking for another menstrual cup to try out. While I love the benefits of using the Lena cup, I have found that the silicone is quite hard for me. This makes it a bit uncomfortable when it is in. It will sometimes push on my bladder and make it feel like I need to go to the bathroom. Plus, sometimes it will make it hard to go to the bathroom altogether. Even worse, it sometimes gives me more cramps which is definitely not ideal.

Going into the menstrual cup world, I knew that the first one I tried might not be the best one for my body. Put A Cup in It has a great chart that shows the different levels of “firmness” of menstrual cups. The Lena cup gets a 4 on the scale.

Menstrual cup firmness chart

Because I don’t enjoy the hardness of the silicone, I think I will be trying out the Organicup next (affiliate link). This cup has great reviews and is rated a 2 on the firmness scale. Plus, it will give me an opportunity to share another review with you all! I’m hoping that a less stiff silicone will make the menstrual cup feel better in my body, because there is just no reason why you shouldn’t start to zero waste your period! 😊

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Jenna ♥

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