Menstrual health and hygiene have traditionally been areas dominated by disposable products like pads and tampons. However, the environmental impact of these products has led to a significant shift towards more sustainable alternatives. Reusable period products, such as cloth pads, menstrual cups, and period underwear, are gaining popularity for their eco-friendliness, cost-effectiveness, and health benefits. Here’s a closer look at the benefits of reusable pads!
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bookmark_borderNatissy Reusable Menstrual Pads Review: An Outstanding Zero Waste Solution
Hey earth muffins! A few weeks ago I posted a review of Natissy’s reusable panty liners. This brand is awesome; I found them last year when I tried out their reusable “paper” towels. As many of you know, I have been venturing into the world of reusable period pads after failing to find any success with menstrual cups. Natissy was kind enough to send over some pads to try out; so, today I will be sharing my reusable menstrual pads review with you all (affiliate link)! 😊 Don’t forget to use the code “JENNAAMZ20” on Amazon to get 20% off any Natissy products!

What I Love About Natissy’s Reusable Menstrual Pads
Obviously I love that this product is a sustainable alternative to disposable period pads. There are multiple ways to zero waste your period from menstrual cups to period underwear. As I didn’t find any luck with cups, these pads are a great alternative to still reduce my waste that time of the month. While these pads are shipped through Amazon, you can follow these instructions to get your Amazon packages plastic-free. Plus, the menstrual pads are packed by Natissy in a biodegradable bag – it looks plastic but it actually isn’t (which is awesome)!
This reusable menstrual pads review would not be complete without mentioning that they work great! 🎉 I have found that they do not leak and are much more comfortable than disposable pads. Having an eco-friendly fabric near my most sensitive parts is much better than those crunchy, chemical filled sticky pads. The bamboo and organic cotton material is super soft too!
Read More ➥bookmark_borderNatissy Reusable Panty Liners: An Awesome Sustainable Product Review!
Hey earth muffins! At the beginning of this year, I introduced you all to the brand Natissy when I reviewed their reusable “paper” towels (which I still absolutely love!). When Natissy reached out to me to try their panty liners, I was so excited to try out another one of their products. I recently entered the world of reusable period pads after experimenting with menstrual cups with little success. If you haven’t checked out my most recent pads review, I highly suggest giving it a read! 😊 Today, I want to share my thoughts on Natissy’s reusable panty liners (affiliate link). As an extra bonus for giving this post a read, please feel free to use the code “JENNAAMZ20” on Amazon to get 20% off Natissy products!

What I Love About Natissy’s Reusable Panty Liners
First off, it should be noted that these are panty liners and NOT menstrual pads, which means they are not meant to be worn during your period. I personally like to wear liners on days when I have a lot of cervical mucus or know my period will start soon. Once my period actually starts, I switch to reusable menstrual pads. (Don’t worry, I will be doing a full review of Natissy’s reusable menstrual pads next month!) As panty liners, these work great! The material is thin but effective on keeping everything dry. Plus, they move with the body which makes them comfortable to use.
This Natissy reusable panty liners review would not be complete without mentioning how much I love the sustainability of this product! There are a few ways to zero waste your period… So, I love that this company is expanding on their already sustainable product line to include items that 50% of the population uses every single month. While the panty liners are shipped through Amazon, you can follow these instructions to get your Amazon packages plastic-free. AND, the liners are packed by Natissy in a biodegradable bag – it looks plastic but it actually isn’t (which is awesome)!
Other Things I Like About These Liners
I also love that the material is super soft! Natissy uses bamboo and organic cotton in their panty liners and pads, which makes them super soft to the touch. There are plenty of patterns to choose from as well – I personally went with the pack of 7 liners in the color “Black Grapes & Peacocks”. The pattern side faces up when you snap them into place, so I often choose darker patterns as they are less likely to stain or discolor after multiple uses.

The pack of liners I got were in a size small (affiliate link). They are the perfect size for me! Similar to pads, some people prefer longer sizes… So I love that Natissy also has a medium size option as well. While, again, these should not be used during your period, having more sizes is a great way to be inclusive for everyone’s body type.
Unlike the Leeklos pads I reviewed a few weeks ago, these only have one snap closure. I’m a big fan of the snaps, as it helps the liner stay in place and not shift around during the day. Even with one snap, these panty liners did not move around. (Even if they did though, it wouldn’t be that big of an issue since you aren’t bleeding into these liners as you would with a pad).
What Could Be Improved with Natissy’s Panty Liners
Just like with any review on Life of an Earth Muffin, I have to mention price in this Natissy reusable panty liner review. For a pack of 7 small panty liners, it will cost you around $40 (about $6 per liner). Compared to disposable liners, this might seem high… BUT, I feel like this is actually on the lower end to other reusable panty liners on the market. You can also use the code “JENNAAMZ20” on Amazon to get 20% off any Natissy products; this makes it an even more affordable price at less than $5 per liner. Remember, you are buying this product to last many years – you need to take into account the fact that it is handmade with high quality fabrics. 😍
Like I mentioned above, these panty liners only have one snap on them. This might be a “con” to some people if you want to be able to adjust the panty liner to your underwear style. However, this personally doesn’t bother me as I found the snap to work just fine and keeps the liner in place during use. Still thought I would mention it for those who have differing opinions!

Final Thoughts on the Natissy Reusable Panty Liners
I personally love the Natissy reusable panty liners (affiliate link)! They are perfect for keeping me dry before my period; and, I love that the material is soft and comfortable to wear. The small size works great for me, but it is also awesome that they offer a medium/longer liner as well. While the price might seem high at first, these liners are comparable to other reusable liners on the market. Plus, don’t forget to use the code “JENNAAMZ20” on Amazon to get 20% off any Natissy products! Have you ever tried out reusable panty liners before? Comment below what you thought of them!
Jenna ♥
bookmark_borderHow To Insert & Remove a Menstrual Cup
Hey earth muffins! If you are looking to zero waste your period, a menstrual cup is a great option! Last year I was looking into the pros and cons of menstrual cups and wrote a whole post on that. One of my major cons was that I wasn’t sure if it would be easy to insert and remove… Now that I have been using the Lena cup (affiliate link) for a few months, I thought I would share my tried and true tips for inserting and removing cups. I hope these recommendations help any of you if you are deciding to switch too! 😊
How to Insert Your Menstrual Cup
Before you even think about putting it in your body, please sanitize it! 😬 I find that letting it float around in boiling water for a few minutes does the trick. Don’t worry about melting it; most cups are made from medical grade silicone! This is awesome because you can keep them clean AND they will last for many years.
After it is sanitized, it is time to insert. 🎉 When I researched menstrual cups, I found it strange that this step was not explained in detail. “Fold and insert” didn’t really help me when I was trying this for the first time! I was a pads girl and barely ever used tampons; so, the idea of shoving this cup down there was definitely nerve-racking. My top tip – find the fold that works best for you! Because I never really used tampons, I started with the “punch down” fold. This fold results in the smallest area for insertion:

But, after trying this out, it definitely didn’t work that well for me. The cup must create a seal when inserted; this fold wasn’t allowing the cup to fully open for me. Don’t be afraid to try many folds!! I personally like the “C” fold, but there are SO many options to try out. You could even get creative and make up your own. 😆

Other Insertion Tips
Even with a perfect fold, you might still have trouble inserting the cup. If you need a bit of lubrication, I suggest running water over the cup before you put it in. It is actually a great idea to insert your cup in the shower, as you will be nice and “wet” and relaxed.
It is definitely a smart idea to know your own body before putting the cup in too. If you aren’t sure where your cervix is or what angle is the best for insertion, use your fingers to figure it out! Insertion is SO much easier if you know the correct angle and how far up you need to push the cup. Every cervix is different, which means cup placement differs for each person. Some people don’t need to insert them very high, while others need to put them a bit higher. If you inserted the cup and it feels uncomfortable or hurts, then you didn’t put it in the right place. Take it out and try again! 🙃 I have found that after I insert the cup, it helps to use my Kegel muscles to “pull” the cup up into the correct space.
How to Remove a Menstrual Cup
Once the cup is in, you can forget about it for up to 12 hours! I find it amazing that for $25 you can get a menstrual cup to use for years instead of having to throw away pads/tampons every few hours (affiliate link). 😍 So awesome for the planet and your wallet! After getting my cup in for the first time, I was definitely super nervous about getting it out…. But it actually isn’t hard at all…

First, don’t be alarmed if the cup shifted or moved higher throughout the day. Wash your hands and then insert a finger until you can feel the stem of the cup. Do NOT pull on the stem – the cup is basically suctioned inside of you, so that will be painful. Instead, grab the base of the cup, squeeze gently to release the seal, and then pull the cup out. Remember that it will have blood in it, so I suggest removing it in the shower until you master getting it out without spilling anything. 😆
If you are having trouble locating the cup, don’t panic! There is nowhere the cup can go, it might just be higher than you expect. I have found that you can push down with your Kegel muscles and this can literally push out the cup… Try pushing and then see if that makes it easier to locate!
Overall, the first time I used a menstrual cup I thought that it would be easy to insert and hard to remove. But, I found the opposite. For me, it took a lot of tries to insert for the first time. Don’t get frustrated – it is a new experience and takes time to learn! It feels so exciting when you finally get it in! 🙂 I am still learning the ins and outs of menstrual cups, but the Lena cup has been a great purchase (affiliate link)! I’d highly recommend it and (if anyone is interested) would love to write a full review on it at some point. Do your part and switch to a cup!

Jenna ♥