Menstrual health and hygiene have traditionally been areas dominated by disposable products like pads and tampons. However, the environmental impact of these products has led to a significant shift towards more sustainable alternatives. Reusable period products, such as cloth pads, menstrual cups, and period underwear, are gaining popularity for their eco-friendliness, cost-effectiveness, and health benefits. Here’s a closer look at the benefits of reusable pads!
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bookmark_borderWhich is Better: Reusable Pads vs Menstrual Cups?
Hey earth muffins! 2021, for me, was the year of trying out different ways to zero waste my period. While I haven’t tried all the methods to have a zero waste period, I focused my time on menstrual cups and reusable menstrual pads. These are some of the most popular options when it comes to making your time of the month more sustainable. So, which do I prefer? 🤔 In today’s post, I will be sharing my thoughts on reusable pads vs menstrual cups… Let’s jump right into it!

Why Reusable Pads Are Better
The first thing that makes reusable pads better is that they aren’t as invasive as menstrual cups. One of the major concerns I had when trying out a cup was that it required me to insert it and remove it… Which can be pretty terrifying at first! Once you get the hang of it it isn’t scary anymore; check out my tips on how to insert and remove a menstrual cup if you still struggle! Overall, reusable pads are way less invasive even when you get the hang of cups.
Read More ➥bookmark_borderNatissy Reusable Menstrual Pads Review: An Outstanding Zero Waste Solution
Hey earth muffins! A few weeks ago I posted a review of Natissy’s reusable panty liners. This brand is awesome; I found them last year when I tried out their reusable “paper” towels. As many of you know, I have been venturing into the world of reusable period pads after failing to find any success with menstrual cups. Natissy was kind enough to send over some pads to try out; so, today I will be sharing my reusable menstrual pads review with you all (affiliate link)! 😊 Don’t forget to use the code “JENNAAMZ20” on Amazon to get 20% off any Natissy products!

What I Love About Natissy’s Reusable Menstrual Pads
Obviously I love that this product is a sustainable alternative to disposable period pads. There are multiple ways to zero waste your period from menstrual cups to period underwear. As I didn’t find any luck with cups, these pads are a great alternative to still reduce my waste that time of the month. While these pads are shipped through Amazon, you can follow these instructions to get your Amazon packages plastic-free. Plus, the menstrual pads are packed by Natissy in a biodegradable bag – it looks plastic but it actually isn’t (which is awesome)!
This reusable menstrual pads review would not be complete without mentioning that they work great! 🎉 I have found that they do not leak and are much more comfortable than disposable pads. Having an eco-friendly fabric near my most sensitive parts is much better than those crunchy, chemical filled sticky pads. The bamboo and organic cotton material is super soft too!
Read More ➥bookmark_borderLeekalos Reusable Menstrual Pads Review – An Easy Way to Zero Waste Your Period!
Hey earth muffins! If you have been reading my blog for awhile, you will know that I have been trying out sustainable alternatives to period products. The first menstrual cup I tried out, the Lena cup, I wasn’t a huge fan of. The silicone was on the harder side which made it uncomfortable for my body. I tried out the Organicup next, which was definitely softer than the Lena cup… But I still didn’t find it super comfortable either. I decided that I would take a break from menstrual cups and try out reusable pads instead (affiliate link). After using these Leekalos pads for a bit, I thought I would share my thoughts with you all. Let’s jump right into my reusable menstrual pads review!

What I Love About Leekalos Reusable Menstrual Pads
Firstly, they work really well! Similarly to a disposable pad, the reusable ones catch your blood without leaking too. I was a bit concerned about this when I bought them, as single-use pads are made with specific materials to suck up everything. Reusable pads are made of just fabric, so I wasn’t exactly sure if they could successfully do the job or not. But, they definitey can! I bought a pack of smalls and a pack of mediums. At the start of my cycle (which are heavier days), I use the mediums. After day two I am totally fine with wearing the small pads. I love that you can get different sizes depending on your flow, just like “regular” pads!
Reusable pads are SO much more comfortable. The material of disposable pads is often plastic-y and makes weird noises when you walk… Because reusable pads are made of fabric, they are super soft and move with your body. Instead of having to stick it to your underwear, the wings snap together. There are even two different snaps that you can use for the perfect fit! I love this because 1) it is less obvious that you are changing your pad in a public restroom and 2) you can move the pad into a different position easily, if necessary. A stick-on pad definitely does not have this option!
This Leekalos reusable menstrual pads review would not be complete if I didn’t mention washing the pads. The ones I purchased are made of dark fabrics which means they did not get stained. I assume if you buy lighter fabrics they might stain a little, but overall they are super easy to wash! After I changed my pad I would rinse it off and soak it in my sink. Then, I would place it into the “wet bag” that came with the pads. At the end of my period, I did an express wash load to clean all of the pads – and they look good as new. Super easy and awesome that I will be able to use these again and again.

Other Things I Like About Reusable Pads
I also love that reusable menstrual pads save you money in the long run. I bought each pack of 6 pads for around $10 and will be able to use them for a long time (affiliate link). Normal pads and tampons are pretty expensive at the store, and you have to keep buying them every month or so. Plus, these disposable options have the extra environmental cost of rotting in a landfill for hundreds of years! Seems like a no-brainer to opt for the reusable alternative instead.
Lastly, there is just something about allowing your body to free bleed on your period. While I love the idea of menstrual cups, I haven’t been able to find one that works well for my body. Inserting and removing a menstrual cup can be a challenge, so I love that I can just snap on a pad instead. For me, it is definitely better to just let it all flow out naturally (but obviously this might not be your preference).
What I Dislike About Leekalos Reusable Menstrual Pads
While this doesn’t bother me, you might not enjoy getting up close and personal with your menstrual pads. It does add a bit of time to soak/rinse after you change your pad, but it really isn’t that much of a committment. It might even take you longer to insert or remove your menstrual cup if you aren’t skilled at doing so yet!
I also think it is important to note that your pad will obviously smell after it has been used… But, I have noticed the smell to be less than with a disposable one. Don’t worry – no smells will linger once you throw your pads in the wash! To combat any excess smells in the bathroom, I suggest wrapping up your pad before placing it in to your wet bag.

Final Thoughts!
It isn’t very difficult to zero waste your period – there are so many great alternatives out there. I absolutely love reusable menstrual pads! I am a bit bummed I didn’t start with them; but, I guess I would have never known that I am not a fan of menstrual cups if I didn’t. Reusable menstrual pads are comfortable, easy to wash, and budget friendly. I highly recommend checking these Leekalos pads out (affiliate link)! I hope you enjoyed this reusable menstrual pads review – let me know your thoughts on zero waste period products in the comments below!
Jenna ♥