bookmark_borderHow to Avoid Damaged Pieces When Thrifting: What to Look For Before You Buy!

Hey earth muffins! Shopping secondhand is one of my favorite ways to save the planet. Instead of buying new, it is fun to search for treasures among all the used options. From thrift stores to Facebook Marketplace, there are endless possibilities! While I’ve shared my top thrifting tips in the past, I thought it would be helpful to share how I avoid damaged pieces when shopping secondhand. Nothing is worse than finding a broken piece or hole once you get the item home. Avoid the damaged items by following these tips:

Give the item a complete inspection before purchase.

It is obviously important to inspect all the pieces in your cart/basket before checkout. I typically save this for the very end, but you could also inspect each item before it makes the cut into your “to buy” pile. Depending on how thorough your inspection is, you can either do it right there in the aisle or find a quiet corner of the store instead. Make sure you check all angles and sides!

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bookmark_borderHow to Antique Shop: My Top 10 Tips!

Hey earth muffins! Ever since I started my journey towards low-waste living, I try to choose secondhand shopping as much as possible. Some of my favorites include thrifting and shopping at antique stores. I have definitely been doing a lot more shopping to furnish my house after buying it this December. I’ve created a list of my top thrift shopping tips, but I have never written a post for antiquing… Until today! Here’s the ultimate guide on how to antique shop – let’s jump right into my shopping tips. 🙃

1. Make a list of what you’re looking for before you go.

There can be a lot of stuff at antique stores, so don’t make yourself overwhelmed by going in with no idea on what you are looking for. This list doesn’t have to be specific; I actually would recommend it be very broad! If you know you are looking for a lamp or key hook just leave it at that. You never know what you might find, so don’t close your mind to only super specific items.

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bookmark_border6 Eco-Friendly Products You Can Find at Walmart!

Hey earth muffins! A couple of months ago I shared a list of eco-friendly Target products that you can find at your local store. I really like the idea of picking “normal”, non-sustainable stores and sharing the planet friendly products that you can purchase there. Even if you are limited by the stores in your area, you can still shop sustainably! 😊Walmart is definitely not the most earth conscious brand; but, they still have some options to choose from. Here is my list of 6 eco-friendly Walmart products!

First up – plastic free deodorant! Target carries Native and Hey Humans which I have tried (and reviewed). If you are looking for brands you already know and trust, Walmart carries Secret and Old Spice in plastic free containers. They also have refillable options, but I’ve heard that the design isn’t the best… Plus, why buy a plastic refillable one when there is a plastic-free option??

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bookmark_borderHow to Shop Zero Waste When You Don’t Have Access to Bulk Bins

Hey earth muffins! One of the easiest things you can do to reduce your impact at the grocery store is to shop from the bulk section. Bringing your own containers and shopping bulk is easy… But what should you do if your town doesn’t have any bulk bins to shop at?? The city I bought my house in does not have many bulk options like the previous area I lived in. Because of this, I have had to shift my shopping habits. Here are my top tips on how to shop zero waste when you don’t have access to bulk bins!

~Make sure you check all the stores in your city!

Even if a “bulk” section isn’t listed on the website, I still recommend going to every grocery store in your area to double check there isn’t one. I’ve found stores that have smaller bulk sections this way! Or, you might find a store with a specific type of bulk item, like coffee beans. Try out all the grocery stores and health food stores when you do this. You might be surprised to find that a city you thought had no bulk bins has a couple you can work with.

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bookmark_borderHow to Be a More Conscious Consumer This Holiday

Hey earth muffins! The holiday season is upon us, which means there is a rise in consumerism with all of the holiday shopping. 🎅 It is extremely important, especially now, to make sure you are being a conscious consumer. What does it mean to be a “conscious consumer”? It means supporting businesses that support your values – companies that care about the planet and making the world a better place! I love to buy gifts for my loved ones this time of year, so I thought I would share my top tips for how you can be a more conscious consumer as well. Let’s jump right into it!

1. Make a list and check it twice

You can’t be a conscious consumer if you overconsume this holiday! It is important to remember to only buy what you actually need. Just like Santa Claus, I suggest making a long list. Think about each person you will be shopping for and write down what gifts you will be buying them. As you are shopping, keep looking at the list to avoid impulse buys.

2. Buy locally and support small businesses

As you are doing your holiday shopping, make sure to support small businesses in your town before hitting up the mall and other chain stores. The pandemic has been hard on local business, so do your best to support them first. Many local products are more sustainable as well; if you have local eco-friendly stores, even better!

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