6 Eco-Friendly Products You Can Find at Walmart!

Hey earth muffins! A couple of months ago I shared a list of eco-friendly Target products that you can find at your local store. I really like the idea of picking “normal”, non-sustainable stores and sharing the planet friendly products that you can purchase there. Even if you are limited by the stores in your area, you can still shop sustainably! 😊Walmart is definitely not the most earth conscious brand; but, they still have some options to choose from. Here is my list of 6 eco-friendly Walmart products!

First up – plastic free deodorant! Target carries Native and Hey Humans which I have tried (and reviewed). If you are looking for brands you already know and trust, Walmart carries Secret and Old Spice in plastic free containers. They also have refillable options, but I’ve heard that the design isn’t the best… Plus, why buy a plastic refillable one when there is a plastic-free option??

Did you know you can buy reusable bamboo paper towels at Walmart? I sure didn’t, but what a great alternative to single-use paper towels. I personally use Natissy’s un-paper towels (or other random rags I have lying around); but, this is a great option to try out if you are looking for something that looks like a paper towel… But actually isn’t!

I’m honestly surprised by the number of compost bins Walmart has in stores/on their website. If you follow me on Instagram, you will know that one of the first things I want to do in the spring is invest in a good backyard compost bin. Ever since moving to my new house, it has been really hard not having compost! I love that Walmart carries a ton of options, as it increases accessibility. Whether you want a countertop compost bin or a huge backyard one, Walmart has options!

Products #4-6

In terms of bath products, Walmart now carries Ethique! The brand is only stocked online in my area, but see if your Walmart carries it. I love this brand because they make everything from shampoo bars to hair masks. Their soap saver container has been in my shower for years – and I still love it! Definitely awesome to see this brand being carried at Walmart.

If you are looking to make your laundry room a bit more zero waste, try out a powder laundry detergent! Or even better, laundry detergent sheets. Walmart carries both of these options. I personally have tried and enjoyed both types of detergent… So, see which one you like better!

While I know straws aren’t the best place to start when trying to make sustainable changes in your life, it is still nice to have reusable straws in your kitchen. Walmart carries all types: bamboo, glass, metal, etc. I prefer stainless steel to glass just because I’m always afraid the glass will break… But I highly doubt it actually would. If you haven’t already, get yourself some reusable straws!

Final Thoughts on Eco-Friendly Walmart Products

Before I started doing research for this post, I had no idea Walmart carried eco-friendly products. Whenever I have to go to a big box store, Target is usually my first option. But, it is nice to know that Walmart does have some sustainable products to choose from as well! The next time you shop there, see if there are any eco versions of what you are purchasing. What eco-friendly products have you found at Walmart? Comment below and let me know how you stay sustainable when shopping at Walmart!

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Jenna ♥

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