How You Can Travel More Sustainably

One of the best ways to broaden your horizons in life is to go traveling. Learning and seeing new things is a good reward for those who travel. However, travel can be harmful to the environment; the more of us who do it, the more serious it becomes. With everyone becoming more aware of environmental issues (as evidenced by Allvision billboards), you might be worried about your place in it all and how you can enjoy your life and be sustainable at the same time.

This situation seems to be a difficult one to unravel. Traveling is wonderful for us, but the more we travel, the worse it gets for the environment. In that case, what can we do? Should we stay home? Actually, it would seem as though traveling in a more environmentally friendly manner is the best course of action. Here are some thoughts on how to go about accomplishing this goal.

Avoid producing waste

Approximately 4.8 million tonnes of solid garbage is generated by tourists each year, according to the United Nations Environment Programme. Then there’s the garbage generated from staying in hotels and using various methods of transport. As you can see, travelling and the waste it generates is a major problem. In light of this, it’s critical that every traveler improves their ability to prevent or minimize waste generation. There are several ways to do this. For example, don’t use disposable cutlery; rather, you should bring your own metal ones with you while you’re dining. Additionally, taking your leftovers is a great method to reduce food waste while also saving money, as they make excellent lunches the next day. For your drinks, you should bring your own metal straw or just go without a straw altogether!

Use zero waste products

When you’re shopping for products to take with you on your vacation or travels, search for environmentally friendly items. Even though you’ll need to bring toiletries and clothes, you can help the environment by ensuring they’re eco-friendly. In some instances, customers avoid these products because they are more costly, but paying a little more for eco-friendly items is certainly worth the price when you consider how much you’re helping to protect the planet. Some examples include: shampoo bars and soaps, reusable cotton swabs, and eco-friendly toothpaste.

Choose eco-conscious accomodation

When you were travelling in the past, you may not have given much thought to the hotel you were reserving. Apart from the fact that it was within your budget and near to whatever it was you wanted to see, that may have been it. However, if you want to be a more environmentally responsible traveler, you’ll need to think far more carefully about your accommodations and make sure you’re staying in eco-conscious areas. Check out Google’s eco hotel feature! You should look for places that offer to plant a tree for every person that stays with them, for example, as well as those that have a zero-waste or no plastic policy. Before making a reservation, don’t be scared to ask pertinent questions.

Jenna ♥

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