Valentine’s Day is a perfect occasion to express love and care, not just for your significant other but also for the planet. There are plenty of ways to have a low waste Valentine’s Day! And this includes gifts. While not a requirement to celebrate the holiday of love, getting something thoughtful for your partner is a special way to show how much they mean to you. This blog post unveils a thoughtful selection of eco-friendly gifts for Valentine’s Day that spread love while minimizing your environmental impact.
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bookmark_borderThings to Give Instead of Valentines: Sustainable Valentine Alternatives
Hey earth muffins! It is crazy to think that Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Not sure about you, but January flew by for me! I wonder if the same will happen for February… Valentine’s Day is such a fun day to celebrate with your loved ones. It is totally possible to have a zero waste Valentine’s Day, but what about actual valentines? From kids to adults, it is common to hand out valentines to the people you love. While not the most eco-friendly tradition, it begs the question – are there sustainable valentine alternatives? And there are! Here are my top suggestions of things to give instead of valentines this year.

❤️ An experience or dinner
Don’t be afraid to give your loved ones something that isn’t tangible. While valentines are fun to keep for a few months, they often end up in the trash after that. To avoid excess waste, treat your partner to an experience that they would love. This can be a fancy dinner out, a home cooked meal in, or some sort of event in your community. Pick something that you know they would absolutely love! I personally would love to hit up the local roller skating arena, the ice rink, or get some boba tea with my boyfriend. (hint hint if you’re reading this 😊)
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