bookmark_borderIntroducing Seek Bamboo Toilet Paper: A Sustainable Alternative

Hey earth muffins! Without a doubt we all use toilet paper in the bathroom. Even if you have a bidet, you still have to use some sort of TP… So what is an eco-friendly alternative to using all this paper? Before you jump into reusable toilet paper (which is actually a thing), I suggest trying out bamboo TP. Seek Bamboo kindly sent me some to try out, so I thought I would share a full review with you all today. Let’s jump right into it!

What I Love About This Toilet Paper

First off, I love that bamboo toilet paper is totally sustainable! It’s not a shock that pandas love bamboo – it is a great eco-friendly plant that grows extremely fast. Some even call it the fastest growing plant on the earth! Because it grows quickly, it doesn’t have a large negative effect on the planet when it is cut and turned into consumer goods. The alternative is to cut down trees which grow quite slow… Seek Bamboo’s toilet paper is 100% tree-free, which is awesome for the planet (and you!).

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bookmark_borderThings to Give Instead of Valentines: Sustainable Valentine Alternatives

Hey earth muffins! It is crazy to think that Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Not sure about you, but January flew by for me! I wonder if the same will happen for February… Valentine’s Day is such a fun day to celebrate with your loved ones. It is totally possible to have a zero waste Valentine’s Day, but what about actual valentines? From kids to adults, it is common to hand out valentines to the people you love. While not the most eco-friendly tradition, it begs the question – are there sustainable valentine alternatives? And there are! Here are my top suggestions of things to give instead of valentines this year.

❀️ An experience or dinner

Don’t be afraid to give your loved ones something that isn’t tangible. While valentines are fun to keep for a few months, they often end up in the trash after that. To avoid excess waste, treat your partner to an experience that they would love. This can be a fancy dinner out, a home cooked meal in, or some sort of event in your community. Pick something that you know they would absolutely love! I personally would love to hit up the local roller skating arena, the ice rink, or get some boba tea with my boyfriend. (hint hint if you’re reading this 😊)

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