bookmark_borderThings to Consider When Choosing a Bamboo Toothbrush

Hey earth muffins! In the quest for more sustainable choices, bamboo toothbrushes have gained popularity as an alternative to traditional plastic toothbrushes. With their biodegradability and renewable sourcing, bamboo toothbrushes offer a promising step towards reducing plastic waste. However, selecting the right bamboo toothbrush involves more than just opting for the first one you see. In this blog post, we’ll explore key factors to consider when choosing a bamboo toothbrush the next time you need a replacement. Let’s jump right into it!

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bookmark_borderReusable Makeup Remover Pads: Another Fantastic Seek Bamboo Product

Hey earth muffins! When I started my eco journey, I found that making swaps in the bathroom was the easiest place to start. A great first step is to find reusable alternatives to single-use items: Q-tips, cotton pads, etc. Seek Bamboo kindly gifted me some of their bamboo reusable makeup remover pads to try out; so, I thought I would share a full review with you all today. First up, here’s what I love about this sustainable product:

What I Love About These Makeup Rounds

I absolutely love that these reusable makeup rounds are truly sustainable. Just think about all the single-use pads you will save if you buy a set of these! On top of the reusability aspect of the product, they are made of bamboo. Bamboo is a great eco-friendly material… It is much better for the planet than cotton!

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bookmark_borderIntroducing Seek Bamboo Toilet Paper: A Sustainable Alternative

Hey earth muffins! Without a doubt we all use toilet paper in the bathroom. Even if you have a bidet, you still have to use some sort of TP… So what is an eco-friendly alternative to using all this paper? Before you jump into reusable toilet paper (which is actually a thing), I suggest trying out bamboo TP. Seek Bamboo kindly sent me some to try out, so I thought I would share a full review with you all today. Let’s jump right into it!

What I Love About This Toilet Paper

First off, I love that bamboo toilet paper is totally sustainable! It’s not a shock that pandas love bamboo – it is a great eco-friendly plant that grows extremely fast. Some even call it the fastest growing plant on the earth! Because it grows quickly, it doesn’t have a large negative effect on the planet when it is cut and turned into consumer goods. The alternative is to cut down trees which grow quite slow… Seek Bamboo’s toilet paper is 100% tree-free, which is awesome for the planet (and you!).

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bookmark_borderMy Favorite (Amazon) Bamboo Products!

Hey earth muffins! A few posts ago I shared what was on my current sustainable product wishlist. Now that I’ve moved into an apartment with my boyfriend, I tend to find myself on Pinterest scrolling through home decor….. 😬 Our apartment is full of secondhand finds with lots of different woods and metals; we definitely have some bamboo too! Bamboo is a great sustainable wood, so I love finding items made from it. Today I thought I would share some of my recent Amazon bamboo finds; while I might not be buying them right now, I’m definitely thinking about it! 🎍

Bamboo Coasters, $12

A picture of a set of bamboo coasters

Just as a disclaimer, all of the Amazon links in this post are affiliate links. I’m trying to get the number of qualifying purchases to meet the requirements for the program, so I’d definitely appreciate using my links if you can! 😊 These bamboo coasters look awesome! A few years back my mom got me a set of wood coasters from TJ Maxx. I absolutely love them! The set was only 4 coasters though, so once we get a bigger space some new coasters would be great.

Bamboo Toothbrushes, $10 for 10 pack

A picture of three bamboo toothbrushes in a cup

Getting a bamboo toothbrush is a simple bathroom switch (almost as easy as getting a safety razor!). I use an electric toothbrush that I have had for over a decade, but I’m on my last “free” toothbrush from my dentist for when I travel. When I travel post-Covid I’ll need some sort of bamboo brush instead of buying a nasty plastic one. This pack has 10 brushes for only $10, so it is a great deal!

Cutting Board Set, $15 for 3 boards

A picture of a set of bamboo cutting boards

When I started my eco journey in 2018, I bought some bamboo cutting boards right away. I love how they smell like fresh wood! 😍 I also had a couple of glass ones, which is another great sustainable alternative to plastic cutting boards. My bamboo boards are on the smaller size, so I will definitely want to buy a larger set at some point. I love to cook and bake, so having plenty of cutting boards on hand is a must for me! If any of you are interested in some tips for taking care of bamboo cutting boards, let me know and I can write an Instagram post!

iPad Stand, $15

A picture of a bamboo iPad stand

I have ALWAYS wanted a cute stand for an iPad/cookbook in the kitchen! My boyfriend has an old iPad that I can finally use for my recipes; it is a gamechanger from trying to read off my phone’s screen. 😂 I love that this stand can be adjusted, as many I’ve seen in stores that aren’t. This has definitely been added to my wishlist for our next apartment, as we have limited counter space currently.

Bamboo Bowls, $30 for a set of 4

A picture of a bamboo bowl

I actually see bamboo/wooden bowls at my local thrift stores quite often, but they aren’t usually in the best shape. I love the look of them and can just imagine how tasty a salad would look inside! Before I buy a set new, I am going to keep seeing if I can find a decent enough set at a thrift store… But I eventually need to get some one way or another! 🙂

I don’t know why, but I just love the look of natural woods in my home! Maybe it’s because our apartment has its original wood floors, which adds to this vibe…. Whatever the reason, bamboo products are often quite sustainable (beware of greenwashing though!), so I suggest checking some out! 😁

My Favorite Bamboo products pinterest pin
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Jenna ♥

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