Hey earth muffins! It is crazy to think that Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Not sure about you, but January flew by for me! I wonder if the same will happen for February… Valentine’s Day is such a fun day to celebrate with your loved ones. It is totally possible to have a zero waste Valentine’s Day, but what about actual valentines? From kids to adults, it is common to hand out valentines to the people you love. While not the most eco-friendly tradition, it begs the question – are there sustainable valentine alternatives? And there are! Here are my top suggestions of things to give instead of valentines this year.

❤️ An experience or dinner
Don’t be afraid to give your loved ones something that isn’t tangible. While valentines are fun to keep for a few months, they often end up in the trash after that. To avoid excess waste, treat your partner to an experience that they would love. This can be a fancy dinner out, a home cooked meal in, or some sort of event in your community. Pick something that you know they would absolutely love! I personally would love to hit up the local roller skating arena, the ice rink, or get some boba tea with my boyfriend. (hint hint if you’re reading this 😊)
❤️ Local chocolates or desserts
I feel like every time I find myself in Target or the grocery store I always have to pass the aisle full of valentines candy. I remember adding in chocolates with my valentines as a kid… But you don’t need individually wrapped candies or valentines! A great sustainable valentine alternative is to support your local bakeries or chocolate shops. Buy a handmade box of chocolates. Or decorated cupcakes. Or even a small cake! There is an amazing chocolatier in my town who makes incredible desserts, so I am definitely going to check out their Valentine’s Day offerings this year!
❤️ A plant
Instead of buying flowers with a valentine, opt for something that will last a little bit longer. I’ve always thought flowers were a big waste of money because they die after only a few days. Instead, see if you can buy a potted plant or potted flower that will continue to grow throughout the year. Even better, purchase your plant on Facebook Marketplace or another secondhand site to save one from being thrown away. It is quite fun being a plant rescuer! 🪴
❤️ Something that they want that you already have
Sometimes the best presents are those that are regifted – and there is nothing wrong about that! A great sustainable valentine alternative is to opt for an actual gift instead of a card. Like I suggested in my post about the environmental impact of returns, it is helpful to have a basket of items in your home that you don’t need and want to pass on to someone else. On top of this, if you know your loved one really likes a certain piece of decor or sweatshirt then maybe gift it to them this Valentine’s Day! There is nothing better than getting what you truly want as a gift.
❤️ Recycled paper valentines
If you really want to still give out valentines this year, be more conscious about what cards you pick. Avoid anything that is 3D or has glitter on in, as those will only head to the landfill. Instead, pick cards that can be fully recyclable and/or are made with recycled paper. If you are feeling crafty, try to use paper you already have to create your own valentine cards! 😍 Sometimes the best option is to share your love with a card, so just make sure to make as eco of choices as you can.

Sustainable Valentine Alternatives Conclusion
There are plenty of sustainable valentine alternatives out there. Instead of giving out cards, choose experiences, local desserts, or potted plants. For those who refuse to give up valentine cards, I encourage you to create your own using paper you already have in your house or to buy cards made of recycled (and recyclable) paper. ❤️ This holiday is a time to spread the love; but, that doesn’t mean you can’t show a little love to Mother Earth too. What will you be doing for Valentine’s Day this year? Comment below and let me know your go-to valentine alternatives!
Jenna ♥
These are wonderful ideas! My husband and I decided not to do traditional Valentine’s Day gifts (cards, presents, etc) and instead we will have a nice dinner at home and watch a movie! Simple but sweet 🙂