Awesome Earth Day Activities to Celebrate in 2022!

Hey earth muffins! If you don’t know already, April is “Earth Month” and the eco-friendly festivities all lead up to Friday – Earth Day! While I try my best to live in a way that makes Mother Earth happy every day, I love to treat her extra special on this holiday… And I think you should too. If you aren’t sure how to celebrate this April 22nd, look no further. Here is the ultimate list of fun Earth Day activities to try! 😍

1. Subscribe to a few eco influencers to stay inspired!

On a day like Earth Day, it is easy to join a ton of people in celebrating our planet. But on a normal Tuesday in the middle of the summer, it can be harder to stay inspired to continue being eco-friendly. To make sure your Earth Day activities last longer than just a single day, I recommend subscribing to some eco influencers to keep sustainable living top of mind. Obviously I suggest following me and Life of an Earth Muffin 😉 – but here is a list of my favorite sustainability influencers too!

2. Go around your neighborhood and clean up some trash.

It is definitely easy to start small, so just take a walk through the neighborhood you live in and bring a trash bag. Whenever you see something that shouldn’t be there, add it to the bag! Once your walk is complete, you might be surprised at how much garbage was littering your area. If you are feeling inspired after doing this, continue going through other areas of your town and clean them up as well!

3. Read a book about climate change or watch an eco documentary.

Reading books about zero waste living and watching documentaries is a great way to learn and gain knowledge on the situation our planet is in. I’ve read my fair share of climate centered books – here is a list of my favorite books about sustainability! While I try to limit my TV watching in general, I have watched a few documentaries about the planet. Seaspiracy was truly eye-opening and is a great one to start with!

4. Do some research and join a group to volunteer with!

Again, it is important to keep up your eco values after Earth Day (and Earth Month) are over. I definitely recommend finding some group in your area that you can continue to volunteer with throughout the year. Whether this is a nature preserve or a litter picking tribe, it is so important to participate and put your sustainability beliefs into action!

5. Cook yourself a plant-based meal.

This is probably one of the easiest Earth Day activities that is still super fun to do. Force yourself to eat plant-based meals all day if you aren’t already subscribing to a plant-based diet… Avoiding meat for even one day is better for Mother Earth; and, I guarantee your meals will be delicious too.

6. Get outside!

It is so important to get some fresh air on Earth Day (weather permitting of course). Do whatever: start planting in your garden, do some weeding, take a jog, do that hike you have been putting off, or just sit outside and read a book. The options are endless – celebrate in the way that makes you feel the most connected to our beautiful planet.

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Final Thoughts on Earth Day Activities for 2022

There you have it, a full list of fun Earth Day activities! There are obviously plenty more things you could do, so get a plan ready for Friday to party in style. Mother Earth is awesome and amazing, so it only makes sense to take a full day to celebrate her. What will you be doing to celebrate Earth Day in 2022? Comment below and let me know what your favorite sustainable activities are!

Jenna ♥

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