Hey earth muffins! If you didn’t know already, World Bee Day is this Friday, May 20th. 🐝 Bees have been negatively impacted by climate change; it is super important that we protect them. If the bees die, we will die too. While the outlook for bees has been getting better over time, there is still work to do. So, here are some easy ways to celebrate World Bee Day to support our yellow and black friends!

Plant some flowers!
Bees are pollinators, which means they love flowers. To support local bees in your area, I suggest planting some flowers in your backyard this summer. It is even better if you find local flowers for the native bees! Not only are flowers a gift to the bees, they are also super pretty to look at as well. Who doesn’t love some gorgeous colors in the backyard?
Create a bee watering hole.
Another great way to celebrate World Bee Day is to create a bee bath for your garden. Bees are just like us – they need water. But, puddles and other pools of water are dangerous places for a bee to accidentally drown. An easy way to create a bee watering hole is to fill a bath with marbles and water. This gives the bee a safe (and dry!) place to land and enjoy some water.

Support local beekeepers in your area!
If you aren’t sure how to help the bees, start with the beekeepers in your town. They are up close and personal with the native bees already, so any sort of support will help. Purchasing their honey and/or donating money are great ways to support beekeepers. Plus, local honey is awesome and can help lessen allergies to plants in your area.
Always choose local and organic products at the farmers market/grocery store.
This idea to celebrate World Bee Day is something you can (and should) start doing year round. Choosing organic and local goods directly supports bees, as these types of farming are the best ones for our fellow pollinator friends. It is easy to select organic and/or local products, which makes this a super easy way to support the bees!
Educate those around you about bees!
Whether this is buying bee wool dryer balls (affiliate link) or playing Flight of the Bumblebee for your friends, make sure to talk about bees to those around you! A lot of people are scared of them and kill them if they get in the house – try to influence others to protect them as much as possible instead. 😊

Final Thoughts on World Bee Day
May 20th is a great day to find ways to support the bees and celebrate World Bee Day in style! This can be as simple as buying some local honey from a local beekeeper or educating yourself (and maybe others) about how incredible bees are. How do you support the native bees in your area? Comment below and let others know how you plan on celebrating World Bee Day!
Jenna ♥
I’ve never heard of a bee watering hole before. That is so neat! Thank you for the informative post!
Thanks for sharing the bee watering hole idea. I’m going to give it a try. I have a post on National Bee Day also.