How to Have a Zero Waste Picnic This Summer!

Hey earth muffins! I don’t know about where you live, but the summer weather is officially here in Michigan. Last week we had a day that was over 90 degrees, and the lowest temp this week is 84. 🥵 The sun always makes me happy – and a picnic is a great way to relax in the summer! For those of you looking to stay eco-friendly, here are my top tips for having a zero waste picnic during the hotter months.

Bring your own picnic blanket!

Can you really have a picnic without a blanket? I don’t think so! But, does that mean you have to have a checkered blanket specifically for picnics? Of course not! As a true sustainable earth muffin, use what you have already. Throw blankets, comforters, anything that can be washed if it gets dirty. A few years ago I found a vintage picnic blanket at an antique store – it even has little ants and picnic food on it! 😂 I leave that blanket in my car year round for all my picnic/outdoor needs.

The same goes for plates, napkins, etc.

Just like a blanket, it is essential to also have plates, cutlery, and napkins too. Stay true to your sustainable values and bring all of these from home! Make sure to also pack your reusable water bottle to stay hydrated during the picnic!

Source your food from the bulk bins (or just avoid plastic packaging).

Instead of buying food for the picnic, make your own instead! Salads, sandwiches, and fruit are classic staples of any summer picnic. Feel free to think outside of the box as well! If you don’t plan on eating a full meal, source snacks from the bulk bins instead. For those with limited bulk options where you live, buy food that has glass, metal, or cardboard packaging instead of plastic.

Pack your food in reusable containers!

On the picnic make sure to use all the tips I shared in my zero waste packed lunch post to keep it plastic free! 😍 Try out beeswax wraps, the classic Mason jar, or even reused takeout containers. No need for a fancy picnic basket if you don’t already own one.

Bring food scraps home.

Just because you are at the park doesn’t mean all your scraps need to end up in the landfill. Use your reusable containers to also carry any leftover food home. Either eat up whatever remains the next day or let the scraps break down naturally in the compost bin.

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Overall, there are plenty of ways to have a zero waste picnic this summer. Use what you already have at home: blankets, containers, and even food from the fridge. Make homemade goodies instead of grabbing to-go food from the grocery store/takeout… And don’t forget to have a blast as you enjoy Mother Nature! Are you going on a picnic soon? Comment below and let me know your favorite picnic snack!

Jenna ♥

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  1. Great tips! When you’re packing up a picnic at home, there’s really no reason to pack disposable stuff when you could just as easily bring real things.

    I do want to nudge you about one idea here: If keeping your picnic blanket in the car means you always have it available for picnics…that means you’re always driving to your picnic spot! Is there somewhere you could walk or take public transit to a picnic place?

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