Hey earth muffins! During the summer months, maintaining a lush and vibrant yard can often lead to excessive water usage. However, with some simple changes and mindful practices, you can save water while still keeping your yard healthy and beautiful. Here are some tips for saving water doing yard work this summer:

How to Save Water When Doing Yard Work:
- Get yourself a rain barrel: Rain barrels or other water collection systems allow you to capture rainwater from your roof. Such a great way to access free water from Mother Earth! Rainwater is natural and lacks the chemicals found in some tap waters, making it a sustainable and eco-friendly option.
- Save water from around the house for the yard: Just like rainwater, you might be able to collect excess water from around your house as well. Use a bucket to collect water in a leaky shower (or faucet), use leftover drinking water from glasses your kids leave out, and even use excess water from cooking dinner. All great options to use outside on the yard!
- Water during the most efficient times: Adjust your watering schedule to early morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler, as this reduces evaporation. Watering during these times also allows the plants to absorb the water before the heat of the day.
- Group plants with similar water needs: Another great tip for saving water doing yard work is to group similar plants together. This means you can water them all at once and avoid overwatering those that don’t need as much moisture. It will ensure your plants are extra healthy since they are all getting exactly what they need!
- Regularly check your irrigation system: It is important to keep an eye on your sprinklers, hoses, etc. to make sure you are saving as much water as you can and avoiding holes and leaks. Fix any issues promptly to prevent water waste; if you have to replace something, try sourcing it secondhand first.

By implementing these water-saving practices, you can make a significant difference in reducing water usage in your yard during the summer. Saving water doing yard work not only helps protect this precious resource but also saves you money on utility bills too. How do you reduce your water usage in the summertime??
Jenna ♥