Everything to Know About the Femometer Smart Ring – A Review

If you’ve been reading this blog for some time, you will know that I’ve been a huge fan of my Femometer thermometer for years now. I opt for natural forms of birth control, and this thermometer has been my go-to for the basal body temperature method. When I saw that Femometer came out with a wearable ring, I was SO excited to give it a try. Courtesy of a gifted product, I’m so excited to share my thoughts on the Femometer Smart Ring with you. Let’s jump right into it!

femometer smart ring in box

So, What Does the Femometer Ring Do?

The main reason I wanted to try it out is because it takes your basal body temperature without you having to actually take your temperature each morning. My alarm used to go off at 5:30 every morning and I’d immediately put the Femometer thermometer in my mouth for a minute or so until it read my temp and transferred it to the app. Now, I wake up whenever I want and just sync the ring to the app at some point during the day!

On top of this, it also tracks other things as well. It will track your time in bed and how well you sleep, something I will find particularly interesting the next few months as tax season stresses impact my shut eye.

What I Love About the Smart Ring

Like I mentioned before, it is so much more convenient because it tracks your basal body temperatures without having to manually take your temperature each morning. The only thing you need to remember is to put your ring on before you go to sleep. It is such a great option for sustainable, natural birth control!

wearing femometer smart ring on left index finger

The ring itself isn’t bulky or annoying to wear at night. Like the company recommends, I wear it on my left index finger, but you can wear it on any one. The trackers/flat side of the ring need to be facing your palm in order to track correctly. There are three different sizes to the Femometer Smart Ring, so I’m sure you can find a size that fits comfortably. I’ve found that my fingers swell during the night, so don’t be alarmed if you also have to tug a bit harder to get the ring off in the morning!

Another huge benefit of this product is that it’s much more discreet for travel or for those with roommates. It doesn’t beep or need to be displayed somewhere near your bed – just slip it on your finger and most people wouldn’t even notice it or question why you are wearing it.

Like with any review on this blog, I need to mention the price. To me, the $150 price tag is much more affordable than similar products (like the Oura ring). It saves me money on other birth control methods and is a one time purchase I will use for many years to come.

femometer smart ring on charger

Things To Be Aware of Before Making the Switch

I’ve been tracking my basal body temperature (at exactly 5:30 AM) for years now… So, I’m pretty confident in tracking my cycle based on the temp readings I get. Because the ring is monitoring your temperatures all night (and giving you the absolute lowest temp), be aware that the readings are going to be lower than you are used to. Mine were about a whole degree lower. If you are actively trying to avoid pregnancy, you might want to abstain or use other forms of birth control (like the cervical mucus method) until you are used to these new temperatures.

In addition, the Femometer app tracks these temperatures on a different curve. This makes sense due to the temperatures being more accurate. But, it is a bit annoying because now I have years of data on one curve and am starting basically from scratch with a new one. However, this will obviously rectify itself if you keep wearing the ring each night.

Lastly, make sure you keep track of the battery! With the thermometer, I’d pop in a battery which would last months without issue. Because the ring is tracking all night, its battery will drain faster. After 7 days of using it, I accidentally wore it with no battery (so nothing was recorded). Oops! An easy way to fix this is to keep the charger on your nightstand and just pop the ring on it each morning when you sync to the app. I will be doing this going forward!

femometer smart ring review
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Final Thoughts

Overall, I am absolutely in love with the Femometer Smart Ring! I have been a fan of Femometer for years now; so, I was super excited to try out their latest product. It is a great way to be discreet about using natural birth control and track your cycle. In addition, it makes it much more convenient to take your temperature each day. Would you try the Smart Ring??

Jenna ♥

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  1. Does it track your temp during the day as well or does it only track at night? Basically, does wearing it all day do anything?

    1. I would imagine it could track your temperatures during the day but your basal body temperature only matters at night… So I would just wear it then! 🙂

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