Hey earth muffins! 2020 had its ups and downs, but I hope that you all are still thankful for something… Whether it be a family in good health or lockdown increasing your free time. 😊 Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays; you basically just eat food all day! While many Thanksgiving celebrations will look a little different this year, I hope everyone still feasts in some way. To ensure your holiday is “green”, here are my recommendations for an eco-friendly Thanksgiving!
Tips for a Zero Waste Turkey Dinner
I think the trend for this year (with Mister Corona) is smaller gatherings for Thanksgiving dinner. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it could lead to some excess food waste if the recipes aren’t modified for the new guest list. Food waste is a huge problem worldwide, so I suggest reading some of my tips to reduce food waste as much as possible! 😍
Some grocery stores are still struggling to stock everything, which might mean you weren’t able to get all of your usual ingredients. Don’t be afraid to stray from tradition – try something new this year! Especially if less people are there to judge the food, you might as well see if a new dish could be added to the turkey feast.
On a similar note, try to add more eco-friendly ingredients to your meal. Shop local at the farmer’s market or deli, use more plant-based foods, and try to avoid plastic packaging as much as possible. Holidays centered around food lead to a lot of waste in general, so do your part to avoid that as much as possible!
Set your table with reusables! I have been designated as the napkin folder in my family. My mom has nice cloth napkins for every holiday, and I find a creative way to fold them. While the Christmas tree fold is my personal favorite, there are a bunch of different ways to fold them for Thanksgiving! Having a fancy table set with a tablecloth, napkins, and nice dishes really makes your dinner feel like a feast. Plus, it saves on waste!
Try Skyping in family members that are usually there. 😊 I mentioned in my ways to celebrate Halloween post that a virtual party is a great way to adapt to this year. I actually know people who do this yearly on Thanksgiving due to family in different countries, so why not give it a try? This will definitely make the holiday feel more “normal” as well. A great eco friendly way to celebrate Thanksgiving! 🦃
Other Eco Friendly Thanksgiving Ideas!
Thanksgiving in my family has always been more than just dinner. It is a day to be with your loved ones and reflect on the “goods” of the past year. Take some time and write down all of the things you are grateful for. 2020 had a lot of bad in it, but I bet you will still be able to come up with a list of the goods. My family likes to write down the five biggest things we are thankful for and then share them at dinner; it is such a great way to reflect together and see what each family member is thankful for!
Watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade! My family watches it every single year, and I’m happy it wasn’t totally cancelled this year. While it will be different, I bet they will try to make it as “normal” as possible. I personally love to watch the snippets from Broadway shows at the very beginning; but, it is also fun to see all of the people celebrating in New York! 😊 Santa’s float is always the last one. It marks the start of the holiday season, but I may have already started listening to Christmas music… 🤫
If you are able to, watch A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. My family watches the Peanuts on many of the major holidays. I know that for Halloween at least they stopped putting it on TV this year, but I suggest trying to find it another way! The movies are really short and bring back a lot of nostalgia. Plus, I don’t think there are many other films centered around Thanksgiving. 😂
Regardless of who you are celebrating with this Thanksgiving, I hope you find ways to make your holiday “green”. And, take some time to truly reflect on what you are thankful for. It will make you feel great, I promise! I am thankful that I have such amazing readers here on Life of an Earth Muffin! 🌎❤️ I wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving Day this week!
Jenna ♥