My Pela Case Review – A Compostable Phone Case?!

Hey earth muffins! When I started my new job back in September, one of the perks of working for the company is that they take over your phone plan. Up until that point, I’d only had one smartphone; I got an iPhone 6 in high school and have had it ever since. Not only have I had the same phone, but I’d also been using the same phone case. Because the company I work for took over my plan, they forced me to upgrade to a new device. I took that opportunity to purchase a Pela phone case! I mentioned that this was on my sustainable products wishlist, and I couldn’t wait to give it a try! 😍 Now that I’ve had a few months to try it out, here is my Pela case review for you all!

A picture of a green, Pela phone case

What I Love About My Pela Case

Obviously I love that this product is super sustainable. When I started my eco journey back in 2018, this company was one of the first eco-brands I discovered. They make products centered around 4 pillars: community, creativity, consciousness, and courage. Over a BILLION plastic phone cases are sold each year – just think about all of that plastic going to the landfill… The Pela case is plastic-free, compostable, and even certified climate neutral. Pretty awesome for a phone case company!

It is also great that there is still a nice variety of styles and colors. You can get cases with wallet pouches or engraved with designs like bees or sea turtles. Depending on the phone case size, you can also get some printed designs that use Greenguard ink. If you are into crafting, their lastest design in a “stitch case” where you can literally cross stitch your own pattern onto your phone case! 😮 While I thought they all looked awesome, I decided to go for the plain, classic green case.

A picture of the Pela stitch phone case

The phone case feels exactly like any other soft case made of silicone. The case I had been using for years was hard plastic and literally had chunks missing from different falls. 😬 I personally like the feeling of a soft case better, as it feels so smooth when you are holding your phone! Plus, I think the case does a great job of protecting my phone, which is what you are looking for in a good phone case.

I love that you can see the bits and pieces of Flaxstic in the case as well. Flaxstic is what the case is made of, and you can see brightly colored pieces in the case – so cool! Every time I look at the cute specks of color it reminds me that my phone case can be composted and is excellent for the environment! 🌎❤️ Plus, it means your phone case is totally unique… Every single one will be different!

A close up photo of a pela phone case

What Could Be Improved On

For my only “negative”, I think it is important to mention that the price is much more expensive than the $8 Amazon case I had on my older phone all of those years. In total, I paid $41.23 for my case. I think this is comparable to many cases though; a lot of brands are in the range of $50-100 for a good case. As I mention in most of my reviews, you might be paying a tiny bit more. BUT, you are paying to support a company that truly cares about the environment! Sure, it isn’t the cheapest phone case on the planet, but at least it won’t have a huge impact on Mother Earth. 😊 Totally worth it in my opinion!

Pela phone case review pinterest pin

Jenna ♥

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