Hey earth muffins! Plant-based diets are amazing – not just for the planet, but for you too. When considering the switch to a more eco-friendly diet, a lot of people think about how their iron levels are going to be affected. There is a common misconception that all plant-based dieters have low iron… Which isn’t always the case. To ensure that I was getting the correct amount of iron, I decided to try out the Lucky Iron Fish. 🐟 Let’s jump into my full review of this product!

What is the Lucky Iron Fish?
The Lucky Iron Fish is basically that: a solid iron fish. It is made out of food-grade (and FDA certified) electrolytic iron powder. When this fish is boiled in a liquid, it releases a significant amount of iron that helps you get to your daily recommended amount. Women need about 18mg of iron each day, which can be difficult to achieve even if you aren’t subscribing to a plant-based diet. I know I struggle with my iron during that time of the month, so this fish is an excellent way to fortify my foods.
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