Review: Lucky Iron Fish and How to Use It

Hey earth muffins! Plant-based diets are amazing – not just for the planet, but for you too. When considering the switch to a more eco-friendly diet, a lot of people think about how their iron levels are going to be affected. There is a common misconception that all plant-based dieters have low iron… Which isn’t always the case. To ensure that I was getting the correct amount of iron, I decided to try out the Lucky Iron Fish. 🐟 Let’s jump into my full review of this product!

What is the Lucky Iron Fish?

The Lucky Iron Fish is basically that: a solid iron fish. It is made out of food-grade (and FDA certified) electrolytic iron powder. When this fish is boiled in a liquid, it releases a significant amount of iron that helps you get to your daily recommended amount. Women need about 18mg of iron each day, which can be difficult to achieve even if you aren’t subscribing to a plant-based diet. I know I struggle with my iron during that time of the month, so this fish is an excellent way to fortify my foods.

Does it Work? What I Like About the Iron Fish

The Lucky Iron Fish is extremely easy to use. You can throw it in any boiling liquid as you cook: pasta water, sauces, etc. Or, you can boil it in water to drink. Because it just needs some sort of liquid, it is a great way to add iron to your diet. And there is plenty of clinical research to support this! Don’t worry – there is no major taste of iron either. Pretty much undetectable if you ask me!

I also love that this product is reusable. As a sustainable product junkie, I was pumped that this skips over plastic iron pill bottles for those trying to rectify anemia. The Lucky Iron Fish just needs to be washed and dried after each use. If you do that (and store it in a dry location), it will last you 5 years! Even if it shows a bit of rust, you can scrub with some lemon to make it good as new.

Along with avoiding plastic pill bottles, this fish is also the best bang for your buck. It is only $40 – $8 per year! You won’t have to swallow any nasty iron pills (or take liquid iron for those who can’t take pills). Plus, you can avoid any iron pill side effects. I would recommend only purchasing from the actual Lucky Iron Fish company. There are plenty of knockoffs on Amazon for cheaper; but, who knows if the iron is as safe in those…

The Negatives

My recommendation is to start slow with this product. When I first got it, I boiled a liter of water and drank that half and half with the normal filtered water I drink throughout the day. My body was not ready for the extra iron because I spent that whole night on the toilet. 😬 Not pretty. Since then, I opt to use the iron fish in cooking instead and haven’t had any more problems. I’m not sure if I drank too much at once, didn’t have enough food in my stomach, or what… But, I’d recommend to take it slow before drinking exclusively iron fortified water.

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Overall, I think it is awesome that there are products out there that help you get your daily iron. Especially sustainable ones! The Lucky Iron Fish is a must if you find yourself with anemia on a plant-based diet. The price is right, it works great, and it lasts for years to come. Just ease yourself into it, please. 😉 Have you ever heard of the Iron Fish? Comment below and let me know how you get your daily iron!

Jenna ♥

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  1. Okay, I have never heard of this but I absolutely need it. I know that I don’t get enough iron in my food and have been dragging my feet about dealing with that. I really appreciate your honest review on this. Definitely looking into it now!

  2. How should the Iron Fish be stored after washing & drying? In bags? At room temperature or refrigerator.

    1. Make sure the Iron Fish is completely dry before putting it in some sort of bag or storage container. It should be at room temperature as well.

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