Hey earth muffins! Ever since I started my journey towards low-waste living, I try to choose secondhand shopping as much as possible. Some of my favorites include thrifting and shopping at antique stores. I have definitely been doing a lot more shopping to furnish my house after buying it this December. I’ve created a list of my top thrift shopping tips, but I have never written a post for antiquing… Until today! Here’s the ultimate guide on how to antique shop – let’s jump right into my shopping tips. 🙃
1. Make a list of what you’re looking for before you go.
There can be a lot of stuff at antique stores, so don’t make yourself overwhelmed by going in with no idea on what you are looking for. This list doesn’t have to be specific; I actually would recommend it be very broad! If you know you are looking for a lamp or key hook just leave it at that. You never know what you might find, so don’t close your mind to only super specific items.
Hey earth muffins! Last month was Veganuary, where you were challenged to try a plant-based diet. Did anyone successfully complete the challenge?? As a vegetarian myself, it can sometimes be daunting to go out for dinner. Most menus still contain a majority of meat products, which limits plant-based options. However, I have learned that it is actually quite simple to eat plant-based when you go out to dinner. And you don’t just have to eat salads either! 😊 Here are my tips for eating at any restaurant if you are following some sort of plant-based diet.
Set yourself up for success.
If possible, do your research before you go out to eat! It is much better to know what you are getting yourself into instead of just showing up at a random restaurant and expecting it to be easy to find something to eat. A great tip for starting a plant-based diet is to try out the app Happy Cow. This app shows how “plant friendly” a place is, which can be helpful when deciding where to go out to eat. Once you do your research, select a restaurant that has more plant-based options than others!
Hey earth muffins! Whether you are prepared for it or not, the holiday season is upon us. Thanksgiving and Christmas are some of my favorite times of year. It is important to stay eco-friendly even when we are busy celebrating with family and friends! If you prep in advance to stay sustainable, you will be more likely to stick to these values even during the busiest times. In today’s post, I will be sharing my top tips on how you can go green for the holidays. Let’s jump right in and get ready to celebrate! 🎉
Go green by reducing your food waste!
Especially with Thanksgiving just around the corner, take actions to reduce your food waste over the holidays. This can be as simple as planning your meals or shopping your pantry before the grocery store. But, you can even push yourself to cook more vegetarian dishes or start composting in your backyard! Check out this full guide on how you can reduce your food waste. You’d be surprised on how much food you can divert from the landfill by following these simple tips!
Hey earth muffins! Fall is almost here! The weather has slowly been getting colder, and I have definitely been enjoying the cooler autumn vibes. The school year has officially begun, so I wanted to share some tips with you all today for packing a zero waste lunch. 🍎 These tips apply to your children headed off to school, but they also work for those of us who go to the office for work. As I mentioned in my September newsletter, I recently accepted a new job. At the end of September I will be going back to in-person work – so excited to leave remote work behind! Let’s jump right into some zero waste lunch tips.
~Invest in a nice lunch box or buy one second hand.
If you plan on packing lunches for yourself and/or your kids, you will need a good lunch box. Before checking out any new options, I suggest shopping at second hand stores in your area. You might even be able to borrow from family or friends – or score a nice deal on Facebook Marketplace! Once you have exhausted used alternatives, find a lunch box that is 1) big enough to fit a full lunch and 2) made of high-quality materials that will last a long time. A lot of the “back to school” lunch boxes sold during the fall season aren’t always the best for long-lasting wear… Especially for work, think about possibly purchasing a stainless steel lunch container that will last a lifetime!
~Use reusable bags and containers!
Once you have a nice box, pack your zero waste lunch in reusables too. Instead of Ziploc bags, try out some reusable ones. Stasher bags are all the rage right now, but there are plenty of other products on the market too. I saw some great eco-friendly bags at Target recently! For larger items, use metal or glass containers. While many people use plastic Tupperware for lunches, I always try to avoid plastic touching my food. But, any reusable container will do – use whatever you already have in the house. Make sure your kids bring them home at the end of the day so that they can be washed and used again!
~Buy snacks from the bulk bins instead of individually packaged.
Grocery stores are full of individually packaged snacks… Which seem perfect for lunches. However, these are extremely wasteful in terms of plastic packaging. You often don’t get a lot in each bag, and the cost to buy individually packaged items is more expensive than buying a larger pack and separating the food yourself. A great zero waste lunch tip is to buy food from the bulk bins! Many bulk food stores have numerous snack options. Pack them in reusable bags and your lunch is ready to go!
~Pack leftovers for lunch!
Don’t feel like you have to pack a new meal for lunches. A great way to prevent food waste is to bring your dinner leftovers from the night before to eat at lunch the next day! This allows you to save that food from going to waste in your fridge, and it is often much easier to pack than a bunch of snack bags. 🎉
~Try adding less meat options in your zero waste lunch.
We all know that plant-based diets are much better for the environment… So challenge yourself to pick a day (or a few days!) of the week to go meatless. One of my go-to lunches is a nice peanut butter and jelly sandwich – totally perfect for a Meatless Monday lunch! Every small change has an impact; avoiding meats in your lunch even just one day of the week helps.
~Bring lunch leftovers back home from school.
Instead of having your kids dump what they don’t eat, just ask them to reseal their reusable containers and bring them home. Then, compost that food waste! Ta-da, you just saved a bunch of waste from heading to the landfill. It is also a good idea to evaluate what your kids doesn’t eat. If there is a bit of everything left, you might be packing too much. When only a few items are left behind, they might not enjoy those foods as much. All good insights for keeping food waste at a minimum!
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Final Thoughts on How to Pack a Zero Waste Lunch
One of the easiest things you can do to reduce your impact during the school year is to just pack a lunch each day. Not only does this help you monitor what your kid is eating, it also allows you to shop in bulk, use reusables, and curb food waste in the cafeteria. The same goes for packing your own lunch for work; such a great way to stay eco-friendly during the year! 😊 Do you pack a lunch for yourself and/or your children?? Comment below your favorite lunch snacks!