bookmark_borderWhy You Should Stop Eating Meat – The ECO Reasons

As awareness of environmental issues continues to grow, individuals are seeking ways to align their lifestyle choices with a sustainable future. One impactful avenue is adopting a plant-based diet. I personally have been a vegetarian for over 5 years now! No need to drastically shift your diet though, just by avoiding meat every once in awhile you can reduce your impact. In this blog post, we’ll explore compelling eco-friendly reasons to consider why you should stop eating meat – or at least eating meat all the time.

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bookmark_borderThe Best Plant-Based Fast Food Options – My Favorite Quick & Easy Places to Eat

Hey earth muffins! In a recent post, I shared my tips on how to eat plant-based at a restaurant without just getting salad all the time. I love a good salad, but it is nice to have more options to choose from. For those of us on plant-based diets, it can be harder to eat at fast food places… But I’ve found that a few chains are super accomodating! 😊 Here are my favorite plant-based fast food options – let me know if you have others that aren’t on this list.

Taco Bell

In my opinion, Taco Bell is the holy grail when it comes to vegetarian options. They have a whole section of their menu called “Veggie Cravings” that is full of bean and potato options. My favorite Taco Bell hack is that you can order any of your favorite items and just replace the meat with black beans. Such a great way to reduce your meat consumption even if you aren’t on a plant-based diet! I typically go for the Black Bean Chalupa Supreme – it is so tasty! 🌮

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bookmark_border10 Tips on How To Start a Plant-Based Diet!

Hey earth muffins! January is here, which means Veganuary starts! What is Veganuary, you might ask? It is a month-long challenge to push yourself to try a plant-based diet. If you aren’t sure what I mean by “plant-based”, check out this full guide on the different plant-based diets. 😊 As a vegetarian, I love the idea of this challenge… But I also know that starting a plant-based diet can be overwhelming at first. To make it easier for any of you interested in participating in this challenge, here are my top 10 tips on how to start a plant-based diet this January. I adapted this list from the official Veganuary guide, so sign up to participate in the challenge to get even more helpful hints!

1. Focus on planning before you start!

Changing your diet is going to take some preparation. You can’t just decide that you are going to be vegan one day and expect to be successful. It is going to take some planning! I’m a huge fan of journaling, so I suggest writing out a plan for yourself. Make lists for the grocery store (bonus, this prevents food waste too!), ideas for meals, and set goals to help ease yourself in. If you have a plan before you start, you increase the likelihood that you will stick to your new plant-based diet!

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bookmark_borderHow to Use Nutritional Yeast in Your Plant Based Diet!

Hey earth muffins! I’ve been a vegetarian for over a year now. With this diet shift, I had to learn about some new things to add to my grocery list. One of these things is nutritional yeast. This yellow powdery substance is an ingredient in a bunch of plant based recipes. Plus, it tastes super delicious! For those who have never heard of it or don’t use nutritional yeast often, I thought I would share a post today about it; let’s jump into this essential “how to use nutritional yeast” guide! 👩‍🍳

A picture of a hand holding a container of nutritional yeast

What is Nutritional Yeast?

Well, it is (obviously) a form of yeast. It is yellow and powdery and has a cheesy/nutty flavor when added into recipes. It is popular in plant based diets because it is rich with nutrients that might be lacking in vegetarian and vegan dishes. But, even if you aren’t on a fully plant based diet, using nutritional yeast can still benefit your diet!

According to WebMD, nutritional yeast is full of:
-Thiamine (B1)
-Riboflavin (B2)
-Pyridoxine (B6)
-All nine amino acids, making it a complete protein like those in animal products

Because nutritional yeast is also gluten and dairy free, it is great for people who have food sensitivities or allergies!

Where Can I Buy It?

At any grocery store! Bragg (known for their apple cider vinegar) sells it in containers that remind me of those green parmesan cheese ones… But other brands sell it as well. I personally buy it from the bulk bins at my local health food store. Shopping in bulk is a great way to reduce your waste at the grocery store, especially if you bring your own bags with you. The price per ounce (or pound or whatever measurement your store uses) might seem a bit high, but remember – it is super light so it is not expensive at all. I filled up a bag for $4 and it has lasted me a super long time! 😊

A picture of spoonful of nutritional yeast

How to Use Nutritional Yeast

There are so many ways you can use nutritional yeast in the kitchen. Obviously, you can use it in recipes that call for the ingredient. I have found that coating tofu in a mixture of nutritional yeast and corn starch before putting it in the air fryer is a great way to get the tofu extra crispy! I also recently made a delicous tofu scramble, where I used tofu, nutritional yeast, and turmeric to make “fake” scrambled eggs – so tasty! A lot of vegetarian or vegan reipes on Pinterest use this ingredient as a substitute for other things, so it is definitely a great staple to have on hand in your pantry. If you are interested in a post fully devoted to my favorite nutritional yeast recipes, let me know!

I also like to just sprinkled it in dishes, even if the recipe doesn’t call for it. This is perfect for things like mac n’ cheese, soup, or a sauce because you don’t even notice a change in taste! If I am having a rice bowl or roasted vegetables, I will add a sprinkle on top with my other spices just to get some extra nutrients in my meal. Because it has a cheesy flavor, you can think of using it like sprinkled cheese! 😍

How to Store Your Nutritional Yeast

If you buy it in a container, then just pop that into your pantry. When I buy it in bulk, I very carefully pour it from the reusable bag into a mason jar and then pop that into my pantry as well. I have heard of some people who store it in the fridge, but that isn’t necessary. When in the pantry, it should last for about two years! If you notice that it has started to turn a darker color or taste sour, then you should toss in the compost and buy more.

Overall, nutritional yeast is an awesome ingredient that I wish I knew more about before becoming a vegetarian. It has so many great nutrients in it AND the flavor is delicous. I definitely love cooking with it! Have you ever tried nutritional yeast?

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Jenna ♥

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bookmark_borderReasons Why I’m a Vegetarian!

Hey earth muffins! A few months ago I shared that I have been vegetarian for over a year now. Whenever this comes up in my daily life, people often ask why I decided to stop eating meat. As many of you were interested in this diet change, I thought I would write a quick post about the reasons I made the switch! There are many reasons on why you could become a vegetarian, but every person (and their body) is different… Don’t feel like this post is pressuring you to make the switch! 😊 Let’s jump right into the reasons of why I’m vegetarian!

#1 – Environmental Concerns

A picture of a hand holding a clear ball that is reflecting the forest around it to look like planet earth

I first started considering a vegetarian diet when I joined in on the Plastic Free July challenge. There were absolutely no plastic free options in my area, which annoyed me. I was sick of buying meat wrapped in plastic wrap AND on styrofoam boards – so wasteful! Looking at vegetarian protein options, there are more plastic free choices such as bulk bins for beans and lentils, recyclable cans of beans, etc. Not everything avoids plastic though… Tofu is always wrapped in plastic where I live, as well as seitan or tempeh. But, at least there are some options that avoid single use wrappings!

So, after deciding to give the vegetarian diet a try during Plastic Free July, I also did my research about the environmental effects of meat. Let’s just say the meat industry is extremely bad for the planet. I won’t get into a ton of details because there are many articles about this already; but, it is crazy to think that cows and sheep emit 37% of the total methane we produce. 37%!! Going vegetarian can save water, reduce pollution in waterways, avoid destruction of our soil, reduce the use of antibiotics and other drugs, and decrease our emissions (Source). After doing the research, I couldn’t just “forget” about the environmental consequences from eating meat… So the Mother Earth concerns was the main reason I decided to make the switch.

#2 – Animal Cruelty

A picture of cows in a barn

Another thing that sealed the deal for me was stumbling upon a chicken farm near where I live. I was right in the research phase during Plastic Free July, and my boyfriend and I were taking a drive. We drove past a farm and just seeing how many poor chickens were in that barn (and the sounds they were making) was enough to make me decide I would try out the vegetarian diet. I feel like everyone is taught in school about the horrors of the meat industry, but for some reason it isn’t real until you witness it with your own eyes.

Animals don’t deserve to be treated in such a way: chickens de-beaked and starved of natural light; cows forced to eat corn even though they can’t digest it; piglets taken from their mothers as soon as they are born… Not to mention all the genetic modifications scientists are doing to make chickens bigger and pigs fatter quicker to speed up the slaughter process. I just can’t get behind an unethical industry. If you aren’t aware of the practices in the meat industry, I suggest checking out Diet for a New America by John Robbins (affiliate link). He gave up his Baskin-Robbins fortune because he didn’t believe in the practices of the industry… That tells you something for sure!

#3 – Health

The last thing that made me want to become a vegetarian is the health associated with a plant based diet. After learning about what the poor animals are fed in terms of antibiotics and other drugs, I felt like those move up the food chain into our bodies when we eat meat. The EPA estimates that 95% of pesticide residue in the American diet comes from meat and fish… Which is all cut out by being vegetarian!

On top of that, plant-based diets are one of the commonalities in blue zones. These blue zones are the areas of the world where people live the longest. I’d love to live a longer, happy life! While I’ve seen research that the vegetarian diet prevents against heart disease and cancer, this wasn’t something that made me switch. But it’s a great benefit now that I have! 🙃 In my post about being vegetarian for a year, I mention how great I’ve been feeling since I made the switch. So, health was the last thing that I thought about before I decided to give it a try! I’d love to hear from all of you if you are vegetarian or vegan – what made you switch?

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Jenna ♥

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bookmark_borderThe Best Vegetarian Food of 2020 – My Top 5 Picks!

Hey earth muffins! I recently wrote a whole post about my thoughts on being vegetarian for over a year. I am still going strong with this diet and was thinking about what posts I would write to close out 2020… It’s been a crazy year for sure! Staying at my apartment all the time forced me to cook at home more. While I wasn’t eating out often, I occasionally would pre-pandemic. So, I feel like quarantine has helped me find some very tasty vegetarian goodies to whip up in my own kitchen. For today’s post, I will be sharing the top 5 best vegetarian food items… Let’s jump right into it!

1. Quick Black Bean Nachos

A picture of some black bean nachos

If I could eat any type of food for the rest of my life, I would probably pick Mexican. I am such a fan of tacos, nachos, and everything in between! This is a great go-to meal (or snack) if you just want something quick. I’ll typically make it when I have some leftover beans in the fridge. Grab your nacho essentials:

-Tortilla chips
-Diced onions (optional: I always have a mason jar of diced onions in the freezer, so I’ll grab a few of those!)
-Shredded cheese (I mentioned this in my post about the plastics I still buy… My boyfriend and I always have a massive bag of cheese in our fridge!)
-Your favorite dip! Guac or salsa is always a great option.

I’ve made these in the microwave and the oven; they turn out great either way! If you aren’t a fan of beans or don’t have any in the cupboard, I’ve also made “taco crumbles” with tofu and lots of taco seasoning. Another great vegetarian food!

2. An Easy Greek Yogurt Snack

Let’s just say I LOVE sugar. 😬 I know it’s not good for me or my teeth, but I just love any dessert. If I’m craving sugar in the evening, I try to eat healthy sugars instead of reaching for cookies or candy. This snack was an absolute favorite of mine in 2020. All you need is:

-Scoop of plain greek yogurt
-Dollop of peanut butter
-A type of berry (fresh or frozen)

My personal favorite is raspberry, which I bought in bulk over the summer. Because there were so many, I laid them on a baking sheet, popped them in the freezer, and then put them in mason jars once they were frozen solid. Freezing them on a tray is a great way to get them to not stick together in the jar! 😊 I pop a few frozen raspberries into a bowl, then let them thaw for a couple of minutes before mixing in the yogurt and peanut butter. Ta-da, a quick and delicious evening snack!

3. “Nice” Cream

A picture of "nice" cream, made with frozen fruit

Sticking with the sugar theme, I thought I would mention another dessert I treat myself to sometimes – “nice” cream! This is basically just using frozen fruit to make a sorbet/ice cream… Which is a great alternative to Ben & Jerrys! 😂 If I see a few single bananas at the grocery store, I will buy them, chop them into chunks, and pop into the freezer. It is a great way to prevent that food from going to waste, but you can also use browning bananas that are already at home too. For my favorite classic “nice” cream, you need to blend up these ingredients:

-Frozen banana chunks
-Two or three frozen strawberries
-Splash of milk or greek yogurt

I personally like my nice creams to have a thicker consistency, but you can add more milk/water to water it down. There are so many great flavors you can make from any type of fruits, so I recommend experimenting with this best vegetarian food!

4. Easy, Stovetop Mac n’ Cheese

Back in 2019 I shared a recipe for some tasty stovetop mac n’ cheese… But I’ve mastered an even easier version in 2020. Mac n’ cheese has always been one of my favorite foods… So it’s a good thing it is vegetarian! 😅 All you need:

-Cooked noodles of your favorite type
-A splash of milk
-A handful of your favorite cheese(s)
-Salt and pepper

While the noodles are still hot, throw everything into the pot and stir constantly until the cheese is all melted. I personally love just cheddar in there, but I bet it would taste even better with a mix of multiple cheeses! You can also throw in vegetables or caramelized onions to make this comfort food even better.

5. Air Fryer Salmon

A picture of cooked salmon

To close out my list of best vegetarian food items, I had to include this delicious salmon that I’ve cooked quite a few times in 2020. My boyfriend brought along an air fryer when we moved in together last summer… And it is quite helpful in the kitchen! I would highly suggest getting yourself an air fryer, like this one on Amazon (affiliate link). For the salmon, I first cut the fish into portions. Then I lay it in the air fry pan and put some soy sauce, honey, and salt/pepper on top. Then I cook it at 375 degrees for 8 or so minutes. Super fast but SO tasty! 😍

Looking back at 2020, were there any foods that you were absolutely loving this year? I’m hoping that we will eventually get to eat out again, but as of right now I’ll just keep finding new recipes to try out!

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Jenna ♥

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bookmark_borderWhat is Seitan Made Out Of? & Other Non-Meat Protein Questions

Hey muffins! Many of you were extremely interested in my year long reflection on being a vegetarian. While I have transferred most of my food related content over to my Instagram (give me a follow!), I wanted to answer some big vegetarian questions in a post today! 😁 There are plenty of non-meat protein sources for anyone avoiding meat, but many people still have questions about them. I will be writing about three protein sources today: seitan, tofu, and tempeh. Let’s jump right into the questions!

What is seitan made out of?

A picture of seitan

Seitan (pronouced “say-tan”, NOT “Satan” 😂) is made from wheat gluten. It is a popular meat replacement because the texture and look resembles that of meat. I personally don’t care if my protein looks like the meat it is replacing, but some veggie lovers might prefer that. For me, the big draw of seitan is that it can be cooked in many ways: baked, sliced, fried, grilled, etc. You can also buy seitan premade at many grocery stores (including Meijer). BUT, you can also make it yourself if you are feeling up for the challenge and want to avoid plastic packaging! I have never tried to make seitan by hand, but the recipes on Pinterest don’t seem that difficult to follow. 🤷‍♀️

What is your favorite way to eat seitan?

Because seitan is made out of wheat gluten, it has a nice, mild base flavor that allows it to be flavored however you want. 🎉 While this might sound really boring, I like to eat it from the package on a nice sandwich. Ever since I stopped eating meat I barely ever eat sandwiches other than good ol’ peanut butter and jelly; seitan changed the game with that! Sliced seitan is the same price as other deli meats at my local grocery store, so it is a perfect lunch to bring with me to work (hooray for bringing your own food to cut back on waste!! 🌎). As mentioned above, seitan can be cooked in so many ways…. I’m excited to continue trying out recipes!

What type of tofu should I use?

A picture of a bowl of tofu

When browsing the tofu options at a grocery store, you will notice that there are multiple types. What you are going to cook with the tofu will require you to get a certain kind:

  • Silken: This tofu is extremely soft and will not hold its shape if you cut it into cubes. Tofupedia says it is great for ricotta replacements; I have also seen it called for in some baking recipes.
  • Regular: While it will hold its shape if you cut it into squares, it still has more water content than firm tofus. Use this for scrambled tofus!
  • Firm: This is my go-to type! The tofu will hold its shape when cooked, and can be coated in delicious sauces too. 👌
  • Extra firm: If my grocery store is out of firm tofu, I don’t mind using extra firm. I think this type is extra delicous as tofu nuggets, as it holds its shape very well!

What is your favorite way to cook tofu?

While I used to just roast my tofu in the oven for 30-40 minutes, I have a new method ever since moving in with my boyfriend. He has an air fry that is now in our kitchen; it is an awesome way to cook tofu! The outside gets nice and crunchy while the inside stays soft, so I would highly recommend trying out air frying. I usually put mine in at 390 degrees for about 15-25 minutes, but this could differ for every air fry device…. Keep an eye on them so they don’t get too crunchy or burn! 🙂

What is tempeh?

A picture of tempeh

Tempeh is quite similar to tofu, as it is a soy protein. But, unlike the silky smooth texture of tofu, tempeh has halves of soybeans in it. This makes it look like a bunch of beans bundled together (I thought it was grain when I first say tempeh in the store)! If you are looking to reduce your usage of processed foods, then you might prefer tempeh over tofu. To get the smooth texture of tofu the soybeans are processed further than with tempeh; but, I enjoy both of these non-meat protein sources regardless of how much they are processed or not! 😁

How do I prepare tempeh?

Just like tofu, tempeh can be prepared in a lot of different ways. Some people find it to be on the bitter side (due to the fermentation process of how it is made), so steaming it before cooking can help with that. As there are halves of beans in the tempeh, it can easily crumble. That makes it a perfect substitute for taco meat! 🌮 If all else fails you can cube it up like tofu and cover it in a delicious sauce.

Overall, I hope this post goes to show that there are many non-meat protein alternatives on the market. I didn’t even mention all of them in this post! While most of my food content is going to shift over to my Instagram now, I hope these answers help out anyone thinking about becoming a vegetarian in the future. 🥰

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Jenna ♥

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bookmark_borderMy Thoughts on Being Vegetarian for 1 Year!

Hey earth muffins! I hope everyone had an amazing weekend – I am now 75% done with my CPA tests. 🎉 I took my third exam yesterday; my boyfriend and I also got the keys to our new apartment! I will officially be moving all my stuff on the 25th, so I still have a lot of packing to do. If you have been following Life of an Earth Muffin for some time, you might know that I started a meat-less diet last July… It has now been a whole year being vegetarian, so I thought I should write a post about it. So let’s jump right in!

Why Did I Go Vegetarian?

For starters, it is no surprise that refusing to eat meat is way more sustainable. The meat industry has an enormous negative impact on the planet, so I figured I shouldn’t continue to support something I don’t agree with. I also definitely do not agree with the terrible treatment of the animals raised to be slaughtered; my boyfriend and I came across a chicken farm last summer and it absolutely scarred me. 😣 It was so sad to see the animals like that. I also wanted to see if eating a plant based diet would improve my health and the appearance of my skin. I am blessed to be healthy overall, but my skin will often flare up with hormones and stress. So, I wanted to see if being a vegetarian would help with that!

A picture of a stop sign with a Eating Animals sticker underneath

It is also important to note that I should really be saying I was a “pescatarian” for this past year, as I did eat seafood. I have had the problem of being underweight my whole life, so I didn’t want my body to take a huge hit by going off many sources of protein. But, now that my body is adjusted to alternative sources of protein, I may try to stop eating seafood as well (as fishing also poses a huge sustainable issue!). 😊

What Have I Noticed Being Vegetarian?

1. My grocery bill got smaller. As I mentioned in my grad student budget post, I averaged about $53 for groceries each month. It should be noted that I didn’t really try out many “meatless”/vegetarian “meat” products, which would probably cost a lot more. But, I still think being a vegetarian has saved me money this year!

2. My body feels great! It never necessarily felt bad when I was eating meat, but I feel like I am more lean and healthy now. While I do get a bit more gassy than I used to (thanks to eating a lot more beans haha), I have never felt better! On the flip side, I didn’t really see any difference in my skin. This wasn’t a huge shock, but it is nice to know that it really is just hormones and stress that break me out. 🤷‍♀️

A picture of a hand holding a mango

3. People judge you and often act like it is super hard to cater to a vegetarian. While I was lucky my roommate was also a vegetarian and my family was (decently) okay with it, other people like to judge. “I don’t know what to cook for you” is a common thread I heard… But it isn’t actually a big deal to cook for someone who doesn’t eat meat. Just make what you were going to make and they will avoid what they can’t eat!

What Were Some Benefits?

1. I definitely tried more new recipes being vegetarian. I have always shopped once a week to ensure my fridge is stocked with fresh, whole foods. But, incorporating new vegetables, sources of protein, etc. this year allowed me to try some awesome recipes! I absolutely love to cook and am excited to continue exploring in my new, larger kitchen!

2. I learned what restaurants are veggie friendly. Some restaurants have great veggie options; others do not. It was fun going to my favorite establishments to see if they have good meatless options… Even some fast food establishments like Taco Bell have a whole vegetarian section of their menu! While fast food isn’t the most sustainable options, there are ways to reduce your waste. But, sit down restaurants are much better in terms of sustainability; they often have many more veggie options as well!

A picture of Taco Bell's online menu, featuring the vegetarian tab

Should You Consider Being Vegetarian?

I will 10000% be staying a vegetarian. It wasn’t as challenging as I thought it was going to be. And, I have loved the benefits I have seen so far. If you have ever been interested in becoming a vegetarian, the best time to try is NOW! 😍 By not eating meat on one day each week you can reduce your impact; try for a meatless Monday! It is such a great way to reduce your impact on the planet. What are your thoughts on being a vegetarian?

A picture of a veggie burger with the words "My thoughts on being vegetarian for one year" around it
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Jenna ♥

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