Hey earth muffins! When you read the title of this blog post, you might have thought I made a mistake… Unfortunately, you read it correctly. Whether you know it or not, you actually ingest microplastics on a daily basis. This article suggests that we might eat a CREDIT CARD worth of plastic each week. 😳 Scary, right? Our society’s obsession with plastic is resulting in it everywhere – even the fetuses of unborn children! In today’s post, I will share some of my top tips for reducing the amount of plastic that gets into your body. Here’s all my thoughts on how to eat less plastic!

Avoid plastic water bottles at all costs.
Going completely plastic-free is a challenge because we use plastics in many aspects of our lives. However, I think this is a simple step everyone can take to reduce the microplastics we consume. Plastic water bottles are bad because (1) they cause a ton of pollution and (2) they leach microplastics into your water. Instead, opt for reusable water bottles! Always choose metal bottles over reusable plastic ones as well; I have a trusty Hydroflask that I carry with me everywhere. Reserve single-use plastic water bottles for emergency situations (a great example of when plastics aren’t all bad)!
Don’t heat any plastic in the microwave.
And yes, this includes plastics that are “microwave safe”. Heating things up in any type of plastic is just not a good idea. Whenever I pack my lunch for work, I use glass mason jars or containers. This allows me to easily heat up my food without risking any exposure to extra microplastics. You could also heat your meal on the stove or on your plate instead.
Avoid storing food in plastic.
A great way to eat less plastic is to avoid using plastics in your kitchen at all. This means saying goodbye to plastic wrap, plastic tupperwares, kitchen utensils, etc. When I started my sustainable journey, I made it a mission to avoid using plastics to store my food. There is just something unsettling about the idea that it leaches into whatever you are storing – I’d rather just use my huge collection of mason jars instead! 😊

Opt for fresh food instead of plastic wrapped.
When you are grocery shopping, a great sustainability tip is to avoid plastic packaging at all costs. Some alternatives include: fresh/loose produce, products packaged in glass or cardboard, and food from the bulk bins. You can even bring in your own reusable bags to reduce even more contact with plastic! It is pretty self-explanatory that you can reduce the amount of microplastics you consume by avoiding foods stored in plastic. Plus, this can help you eat healthier and avoid a lot of unhealthy snacks too.
Vacuum regularly.
Did you know dust can collect microplastics? Especially when we are spending a lot of time at home during a pandemic, it is even more important to keep our air as clean as possible. I try to vacuum at least once a week – this helps with microplastics as well as to keep my mental state clean. I am definitely one of those people who gets more stressed when my space isn’t taken care of! As well as vacuuming, you can also use an air filter to trap some plastics as well.

Final Thoughts on How to Eat Less Plastic
Plastics suck – and even if you have been trying to reduce your usage of it, you still might be consuming it!! 😕 To reduce your consumption, my top tip is to avoid using plastics in the kitchen (especially to store your food). The less your food touches plastic, the less likely microplastics can get into it! Buy yourself a good reusable water bottle and stop drinking from plastic water bottles (unless it is an emergency). Lastly, keep your air clean by vacuuming regularly and filtering it! Were you surprised that we consume a lot of microplastics?? Comment below and don’t forget to check out my whole page of resources on plastic-free living!
Jenna ♥
Oh wow. I never would’ve thought about any of this. Such a helpful post. Thank you!