How To Be Zero Waste On a Hike

Hey earth muffins! On my recent vacation, I did a bit of day hiking. Hiking is awesome because you spend time in nature while exercising too! It is important to remember your sustainability values even when you are deep in the forest; there are plenty of ways to stay zero waste on your hike too! In today’s post, I will share some of the best ways to have a zero waste hike. Make sure to use them when on your late summer/early fall adventures! 🥾

1. Follow the cardinal rule: leave no trace

This rule is important for all national/state park visitors, but especially important when you are hiking in the woods. For a zero waster, leaving no trace should be second nature. Leave the forest exactly the way you found it… If you see trash from another hiker, be a good earth muffin and pick it up for the planet!

2. Bring your own reusable water bottle

Water is crucial for a good hike, so make sure you fill your favorite reusable water bottle (or canteen) before you hit the trail. It might be smarter to choose a lighter weight one to reduce the amount you need to carry, but any reusable bottle will do.

3. Don’t forget about snacks!

Along with water, it is also important to keep your body full of energy. Instead of bringing pre-made, individually packaged protein bars, opt for whole nuts, fruit, or even homemade granola bars. Even better if you source these snacks from the bulk bins! 😍 Avoid all plastic by packing them in reusable containers or beeswax wraps.

4. For day hikes, don’t get caught up in the “gear”

If you are a legit hiker going on a longer journey, then it is obviously important to pack the correct gear in a backpack. But, if you are just hiking for a few hours, don’t get tricked by advertisements that you need a bunch of fancy stuff. Secondhand athletic clothes, a hat to protect you for the sun, and water/snacks can get you through any easy/moderate hike.

5. Pick an eco-friendly sunscreen!

While a nice hat can protect you from some sun, it is also important to protect your skin from getting a sunburn. Pick a zero waste sunscreen that is good for both you and Mother Earth.

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Hiking is a great way to spend some quality time in nature. It can be so relaxing to listen to the sounds of the forest without any interruptions. The next time you head out for a hike, reference these tips to ensure your adventure is zero waste and sustainable! Where will you be hiking next? Comment below and let me know the best hike you’ve been on!

Jenna ♥

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  1. Such a great post! My husband and I have been taking hikes lately, so this is super helpful. It’s always great to have reusable water bottles on hand!

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