bookmark_border5 Ways to Use Pumpkin Guts After Carving!

Hey earth muffins! Halloween is just around the corner, which means it is almost time to start carving those jack-o-lanterns! Once the spooky faces are carved, one question remains: what should I do with the pumpkin guts?? Never fear, this post shares all the best ways to stay zero waste and utilize your whole pumpkin!

1. Make pumpkin seeds!

This is a no-brainer in my house. Once there is a big bowl of pumpkin guts on the table, we sift through and take out all the seeds. This can be time consuming but listening to some spooky songs definitely helps! After all the seeds have been set aside, rinse them off and roast in the oven. If you don’t have a favorite recipe for this, there are plenty on Pinterest that turn out great! Some even include seasonings to make your seeds even tastier.

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bookmark_borderHow to Help Clean Up The World!

Hey earth muffins! The third weekend of September is recognized as Clean Up the World, a time to unite together and conserve the planet. There are many different ways you can participate in this event, so there is really no excuse not to! Whether you have only a few minutes or a couple of hours to spare this weekend, there are a ton of different ways to clean up the world. Let’s jump right into it!

Organize a clean up event or join one in your area.

If you have a couple of hours this weekend, do some research if there are any clean ups happening in your area. A lot of environmental organizations will have them planned to help with this cause. Follow their instructions to sign up for the event and show up with an attitude ready to clean the planet! For those in more rural areas, you might have to head onto local Facebook groups/pages and organize your own clean up. Just let others know where, when, and WHY you will be picking up trash this Clean Up the World weekend… I’m sure others with join you! 😊

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bookmark_borderEasy Ways to Support Bees and Celebrate World Bee Day

Hey earth muffins! If you didn’t know already, World Bee Day is this Friday, May 20th. 🐝 Bees have been negatively impacted by climate change; it is super important that we protect them. If the bees die, we will die too. While the outlook for bees has been getting better over time, there is still work to do. So, here are some easy ways to celebrate World Bee Day to support our yellow and black friends!

Plant some flowers!

Bees are pollinators, which means they love flowers. To support local bees in your area, I suggest planting some flowers in your backyard this summer. It is even better if you find local flowers for the native bees! Not only are flowers a gift to the bees, they are also super pretty to look at as well. Who doesn’t love some gorgeous colors in the backyard?

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bookmark_borderHow to Celebrate World Fair Trade Day

Hey earth muffins! May 14th is World Fair Trade Day! If you aren’t familiar with this event, it is an annual global celebration held on the second Saturday of May. It is a time to support small farmers, producers, and artisans (and their families!) to create more sustainable and healthy communities around the world. Fair trade is amazing and impactful; here are my suggestions on how to celebrate World Fair Trade Day this year!

Shop from some fair trade stores!

While I don’t often shop for new items (I’m typically a new-to-me girl), I definitely support some fair trade shopping to celebrate this day! I bet you a ton of your local small businesses carry a plethora of items you can purchase – just look for a fair trade label. If you aren’t sure how to identify “fair trade”, ask a friendly staff person in the shop and hopefully they can help. 😊 There are also plenty of online retailers that only sell goods that are fair trade. WorldFinds has amazing accessories (see my Kantha jewelry haul from them) and Fair Trade Winds is another website that has an awesome selection of everything from home decor to felt flowers.

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bookmark_borderHow to Celebrate a Zero Waste Cinco De Mayo!

Cinco De Mayo is this Thursday 🥳 Regardless if you plan on throwing a party or just cook some authentic Mexican food by yourself, there are ways to make it more eco-friendly and good for the planet. Here are my suggestions on how to celebrate a zero waste Cinco De Mayo this year!

~Educate yourself on the history of the holiday

Just like with Earth Day, Cinco De Mayo is often a day where brands advertise their products without any reference to the true meaning of the holiday. Don’t fall into the consumerism trap – make sure you understand the significance if you end up celebrating! There are plenty of ways to educate yourself: doing a Google search, reading a book, or even listening to a podcast about the topic. Learning is a great way to be sustainable too, as it is an easy way to celebrate a zero waste Cinco De Mayo.

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bookmark_borderAwesome Earth Day Activities to Celebrate in 2022!

Hey earth muffins! If you don’t know already, April is “Earth Month” and the eco-friendly festivities all lead up to Friday – Earth Day! While I try my best to live in a way that makes Mother Earth happy every day, I love to treat her extra special on this holiday… And I think you should too. If you aren’t sure how to celebrate this April 22nd, look no further. Here is the ultimate list of fun Earth Day activities to try! 😍

1. Subscribe to a few eco influencers to stay inspired!

On a day like Earth Day, it is easy to join a ton of people in celebrating our planet. But on a normal Tuesday in the middle of the summer, it can be harder to stay inspired to continue being eco-friendly. To make sure your Earth Day activities last longer than just a single day, I recommend subscribing to some eco influencers to keep sustainable living top of mind. Obviously I suggest following me and Life of an Earth Muffin 😉 – but here is a list of my favorite sustainability influencers too!

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bookmark_borderEco-Friendly Easter Gifts: What to Put in Your Baskets!

Hey earth muffins! It is crazy to think that Easter is only ten days away. Lent has gone by so fast! I hope everyone is looking forward to spending time with family and friends to celebrate the holiday; I know I definitely am. Most people make some sort of Easter basket… Which can totally be sustainable! 🌎 ❤️Here are my top suggestions for eco-friendly Easter gifts to give this year!

Go with secondhand baskets.

Most of the “Easter” baskets at the store are flimsy and cheaply made these days. Instead, check out the options at your local thrift stores to find baskets of all shapes and colors. You can always find a ton of basket choices secondhand, which makes it easy to avoid those crappy ones elsewhere.

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bookmark_borderHow to Throw a Zero Waste Party – Birthday Edition!

Hey earth muffins! My boyfriend’s 25th birthday is just around the corner, so I thought it would be fun to write a themed birthday post today. 😍 I wrote a whole post about how to celebrate a zero waste birthday last year; but, I wanted to focus on a zero waste party today. Parties are super fun and a great way to celebrate your loved one – and they can definitely be eco-friendly too! Here are my top tips for throwing the coolest zero waste party this year!

1. Use e-invitations

As a kid, I remember getting invitations in the mail for birthday parties. While I personally love getting something special in the mail, you don’t have to use paper invitations anymore. Instead, try electronic alternatives! There are tons of great websites that allow you to send invites. If you don’t want to be limited by their designs, use sites like Canva to create your own and email it out to friends. You could also start a group on Facebook that invites everyone. This is a great way to mass send all the details for the party! Paper invites are usually thrown in the trash, so definitely choose electronic instead.

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