bookmark_borderHow to Throw a Zero Waste Party – Birthday Edition!

Hey earth muffins! My boyfriend’s 25th birthday is just around the corner, so I thought it would be fun to write a themed birthday post today. 😍 I wrote a whole post about how to celebrate a zero waste birthday last year; but, I wanted to focus on a zero waste party today. Parties are super fun and a great way to celebrate your loved one – and they can definitely be eco-friendly too! Here are my top tips for throwing the coolest zero waste party this year!

1. Use e-invitations

As a kid, I remember getting invitations in the mail for birthday parties. While I personally love getting something special in the mail, you don’t have to use paper invitations anymore. Instead, try electronic alternatives! There are tons of great websites that allow you to send invites. If you don’t want to be limited by their designs, use sites like Canva to create your own and email it out to friends. You could also start a group on Facebook that invites everyone. This is a great way to mass send all the details for the party! Paper invites are usually thrown in the trash, so definitely choose electronic instead.

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bookmark_borderMy Tips to Reduce Food Waste in the Kitchen!

Hey earth muffins! One of the easiest ways to reduce your impact on the planet is to be mindful of the waste you create in the kitchen. Yes, that’s right – I’m talking about food waste today! Why is this a great place to start?? Because it can lead to HUGE results. Like I mentioned in my how to reduce food waste post, one third of the food produced in the world is wasted… Which is such a waste! I absolutely love to cook, so I’ve gotten into some great habits since starting my eco journey. Hopefully these help you all reduce food waste in the kitchen as well!

~Cook the right portion sizes.

If you want to save time, money, AND the planet, start being more mindful about portion size. I used to prepare way too much food when I cooked. I’m sure you all are guilty of just “making the whole box of pasta” at times too. Doing this is often easier in the moment because you think you will eat it later… But a ton of leftovers isn’t the best idea. To be more eco-friendly, I recommend only preparing what you know you (and your family) will eat. I’m not saying serve smaller portion sizes by any means – cook as much as you want to eat!

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bookmark_borderWhat Exactly is “Zero Waste”? & Other Common Terms Defined!

Hey earth muffins! If you have been following Life of an Earth Muffin for awhile (which you should be if you aren’t!), you will know I use terms like “zero waste” and “sustainability” often. But, you may be wondering: what is “zero waste”?? Common sustainability terms can have multiple meanings depending on who you talk to… I thought it would be fun to define the terms I use most for you all. That way, we are on the same page and don’t have to question terminology anymore. 😊 Let’s jump right into it!

Zero Waste

If you search on or other online dictionaries, the term “zero waste” comes up with no results. However, there are plenty of definitions out there. Here is one:

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bookmark_borderHow to Increase Your Sustainable Living this Lent

Hey earth muffins, happy Fat Tuesday! 😃 Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, which marks the start of the Lenten season. I’ve always loved Lent, as it gives me time to reflect on my life and strengthen the areas that I value most. Plus, it means Easter and spring are just around the corner – definitely helps me power through the last few weeks of winter and busy season at work. In today’s post I will be sharing my tips on how you can have a sustainable Lent this year. Let’s jump right into it!

1. Give up something that is not-so-eco-friendly.

It is custom for people to give up something if you celebrate Lent. In the past I have given up things like YouTube, desserts, social media, etc. The season is a time to improve your relationship with God – but also to improve your life as well! It is one thing to give something up for 40 days because your religion tells you to; it is another to choose an unhealthy habit that you want to continue to avoid once Lent is over. I always try to pick something that I know has been hurting my life or my relationship with God – it is easier to force myself to go cold turkey when I have a legit reason to stop doing it altogether! This year, I challenge you to find a not-so-eco-friendly habit of yours and give it up for Lent (and maybe for good). It doesn’t have to be something big; remember, every small change helps!

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bookmark_borderReview: Lush “New” Shampoo Bar!

Hey earth muffins! When I was writing my latest review of the American Cream pressed conditioner bar, I realized that I haven’t written a post about the latest shampoo I’ve been trying. So, I figured now was the time to share my thoughts on Lush’s “New” shampoo! The bar is almost gone, and I am thinking about trying some new brands next. I’ve tried out a bunch of Lush shampoo bars over the past few years. I have enjoyed all of them, but I don’t have a Lush near me anymore. There is a store nearby that sells a bunch of sustainable products, so I think I will be shopping there next. 😊 Fingers crossed I can find other brands I like while shopping local! Without further ado, let’s jump into the Lush “New” shampoo bar review.

Lush New shampoo bar

What I Love About This Shampoo Bar

Now that I’ve swapped from plastic shampoo bottles to shampoo bars, I will NEVER go back. Bar products are awesome because they are eco-friendly and reduce the need for any packaging. Check out my other reasons for choosing bar bathroom products! This Lush shampoo bar is just like the other bars I’ve tried from them – sustainable and awesomely packaged in absolutely nothing. 😍 I like that the bars are round and easy to travel with too!

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bookmark_borderIs There Privilege Around Being Sustainable?

Hey earth muffins! Without a doubt, we all know it is important to protect Mother Earth. She is amazing and blesses us with our wonderful home. That is why it is important for all of us to do our part to reduce our impact on the planet; every small step helps in the long run! 😊 But, there are obviously circumstances that either help or hurt living in an eco-friendly way. Yes, I’m talking about sustainable privilege! In today’s post, I will be discussing the importance of privilege to zero waste lifestyles.

What Factors Can Limit Eco-Friendly Living?

1. Money

For starters, money is a huge privilege when it comes to sustainability. It is no surprise that some sustainable products are more expensive than cheaper alternatives. I mention this fact in most of my eco-friendly product reviews! People with more money are able to purchase these “green”, sustainably labeled products without question. On the flip side, it can be hard for those with lower incomes to justify making those purchases. While I personally think you can save money in the long term by reducing your consumption and investing in sustainable things, it is definitely easier to live in an eco-friendly manner when you aren’t restricted by a budget. The same applies to those wanting to make more eco-friendly financial investments instead of products, such as looking into a solar investment company as opposed to investing in nonsustainable options. There is a privilege to being “sustainable” versus making do with what you have due to your income and class restrictions.

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bookmark_borderHow To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint By Making Changes to Your Life!

Like most people, you’re likely very much aware that climate change is a real thing. You probably also know that your home and your own life are some of the most important places where you can make a significant impact. You can help reduce your carbon footprint by making minor changes to your life.  There are many ways to reduce your carbon footprint at home; you can install solar panels, install an air conditioner, or even cut back on your drinking and eating habits. However, the most important thing is to find ways to reduce your carbon footprint at home and in your life in a way that has the most significant impact.  Here are some tips:

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bookmark_borderHow to Antique Shop: My Top 10 Tips!

Hey earth muffins! Ever since I started my journey towards low-waste living, I try to choose secondhand shopping as much as possible. Some of my favorites include thrifting and shopping at antique stores. I have definitely been doing a lot more shopping to furnish my house after buying it this December. I’ve created a list of my top thrift shopping tips, but I have never written a post for antiquing… Until today! Here’s the ultimate guide on how to antique shop – let’s jump right into my shopping tips. 🙃

1. Make a list of what you’re looking for before you go.

There can be a lot of stuff at antique stores, so don’t make yourself overwhelmed by going in with no idea on what you are looking for. This list doesn’t have to be specific; I actually would recommend it be very broad! If you know you are looking for a lamp or key hook just leave it at that. You never know what you might find, so don’t close your mind to only super specific items.

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