bookmark_borderHow to Celebrate a Zero Waste Cinco De Mayo!

Cinco De Mayo is this Thursday 🥳 Regardless if you plan on throwing a party or just cook some authentic Mexican food by yourself, there are ways to make it more eco-friendly and good for the planet. Here are my suggestions on how to celebrate a zero waste Cinco De Mayo this year!

~Educate yourself on the history of the holiday

Just like with Earth Day, Cinco De Mayo is often a day where brands advertise their products without any reference to the true meaning of the holiday. Don’t fall into the consumerism trap – make sure you understand the significance if you end up celebrating! There are plenty of ways to educate yourself: doing a Google search, reading a book, or even listening to a podcast about the topic. Learning is a great way to be sustainable too, as it is an easy way to celebrate a zero waste Cinco De Mayo.

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bookmark_borderEco-Friendly Easter Gifts: What to Put in Your Baskets!

Hey earth muffins! It is crazy to think that Easter is only ten days away. Lent has gone by so fast! I hope everyone is looking forward to spending time with family and friends to celebrate the holiday; I know I definitely am. Most people make some sort of Easter basket… Which can totally be sustainable! 🌎 ❤️Here are my top suggestions for eco-friendly Easter gifts to give this year!

Go with secondhand baskets.

Most of the “Easter” baskets at the store are flimsy and cheaply made these days. Instead, check out the options at your local thrift stores to find baskets of all shapes and colors. You can always find a ton of basket choices secondhand, which makes it easy to avoid those crappy ones elsewhere.

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bookmark_borderThe Best DIY All Purpose Cleaner for Spring Cleaning

Hey earth muffins! I love spring for multiple reasons: the end of winter, flowers blooming, and (yes) even spring cleaning. There is something about decluttering and sorting the house that clears my mind and makes me feel more at ease at home. Does anyone agree with me?? While cleaning isn’t the most enjoyable activity, the reward after is always worth it. Plus, you can stay sustainable and zero waste as you clean too! Today I will be sharing my favorite DIY all purpose cleaner with you all – let’s jump right into it!

Why Should You Make Your Own All Purpose Cleaner?

Let’s face it – there is an endless array of cleaners at the store. It is honestly so overwhelming (and smelly) in the cleaning supplies aisle! Along with stressing your brain out with too many options, most cleaners are full of nasty chemicals that aren’t great for you. While they are supposed to keep your house clean, do you really want to breathe in all those toxins when there are other more natural options?? On top of this, many come in plastic bottles too which means they are bad for the environment and typically end up in the landfill. So instead of buying cleaners this spring, I suggest making your own! This is a great way to zero waste your cleaning supplies and keep your household chemical-free.

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bookmark_borderThe Benefits of Wool Dryer Balls – Do They Actually Work??

Hey earth muffins! I can’t believe April is almost here 🌷 The weather has been getting warmer and my busy season at work is slowly coming to a close… I am definitey excited to have some free time again! In today’s post, I want to talk about laundry. While not glamorous or exciting, it is a necessary chore that I seem to be doing constantly. To make your laundry routine more eco-friendly, I suggest using wool dryer balls. Do they actually work? 🤔 Keep reading to find out!

What is Great About Wool Dryer Balls

There are plenty of ways to zero waste laundry in your house. This is one of the easiest! Instead of using single-use dryer sheets, buy yourself a set of wool dryer balls instead. They are reusable over multiple years, which beats tossing dryer sheets in the trash after every load of laundry. What a win for the planet!

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bookmark_borderHow to Throw a Zero Waste Party – Birthday Edition!

Hey earth muffins! My boyfriend’s 25th birthday is just around the corner, so I thought it would be fun to write a themed birthday post today. 😍 I wrote a whole post about how to celebrate a zero waste birthday last year; but, I wanted to focus on a zero waste party today. Parties are super fun and a great way to celebrate your loved one – and they can definitely be eco-friendly too! Here are my top tips for throwing the coolest zero waste party this year!

1. Use e-invitations

As a kid, I remember getting invitations in the mail for birthday parties. While I personally love getting something special in the mail, you don’t have to use paper invitations anymore. Instead, try electronic alternatives! There are tons of great websites that allow you to send invites. If you don’t want to be limited by their designs, use sites like Canva to create your own and email it out to friends. You could also start a group on Facebook that invites everyone. This is a great way to mass send all the details for the party! Paper invites are usually thrown in the trash, so definitely choose electronic instead.

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bookmark_borderWhat Exactly is “Zero Waste”? & Other Common Terms Defined!

Hey earth muffins! If you have been following Life of an Earth Muffin for awhile (which you should be if you aren’t!), you will know I use terms like “zero waste” and “sustainability” often. But, you may be wondering: what is “zero waste”?? Common sustainability terms can have multiple meanings depending on who you talk to… I thought it would be fun to define the terms I use most for you all. That way, we are on the same page and don’t have to question terminology anymore. 😊 Let’s jump right into it!

Zero Waste

If you search on or other online dictionaries, the term “zero waste” comes up with no results. However, there are plenty of definitions out there. Here is one:

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bookmark_borderIs There Privilege Around Being Sustainable?

Hey earth muffins! Without a doubt, we all know it is important to protect Mother Earth. She is amazing and blesses us with our wonderful home. That is why it is important for all of us to do our part to reduce our impact on the planet; every small step helps in the long run! 😊 But, there are obviously circumstances that either help or hurt living in an eco-friendly way. Yes, I’m talking about sustainable privilege! In today’s post, I will be discussing the importance of privilege to zero waste lifestyles.

What Factors Can Limit Eco-Friendly Living?

1. Money

For starters, money is a huge privilege when it comes to sustainability. It is no surprise that some sustainable products are more expensive than cheaper alternatives. I mention this fact in most of my eco-friendly product reviews! People with more money are able to purchase these “green”, sustainably labeled products without question. On the flip side, it can be hard for those with lower incomes to justify making those purchases. While I personally think you can save money in the long term by reducing your consumption and investing in sustainable things, it is definitely easier to live in an eco-friendly manner when you aren’t restricted by a budget. The same applies to those wanting to make more eco-friendly financial investments instead of products, such as looking into a solar investment company as opposed to investing in nonsustainable options. There is a privilege to being “sustainable” versus making do with what you have due to your income and class restrictions.

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bookmark_borderHow to Shop Zero Waste When You Don’t Have Access to Bulk Bins

Hey earth muffins! One of the easiest things you can do to reduce your impact at the grocery store is to shop from the bulk section. Bringing your own containers and shopping bulk is easy… But what should you do if your town doesn’t have any bulk bins to shop at?? The city I bought my house in does not have many bulk options like the previous area I lived in. Because of this, I have had to shift my shopping habits. Here are my top tips on how to shop zero waste when you don’t have access to bulk bins!

~Make sure you check all the stores in your city!

Even if a “bulk” section isn’t listed on the website, I still recommend going to every grocery store in your area to double check there isn’t one. I’ve found stores that have smaller bulk sections this way! Or, you might find a store with a specific type of bulk item, like coffee beans. Try out all the grocery stores and health food stores when you do this. You might be surprised to find that a city you thought had no bulk bins has a couple you can work with.

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