bookmark_borderCurly and Plastic Free: CleanO2 Co-Wash Review

Hey earth muffins! Back in September I wrote a post about CleanO2’s carbon capture bar soaps… And let’s just say I still love them (and have gotten my boyfriend hooked too!). Now that they came out with a line of shampoo and conditioner bars, I was excited to give them a try. CleanO2 kindly sent over their Co-Wash for curly hair, so let’s get right into my thoughts in this CleanO2 co-wash review!

What I Love About This Product

Like I mentioned in my CleanO2 soap review, their products are made using an awesome carbon capture process. The founders of the company created the CarbinX, which captures carbon dioxide emissions from building heating systems. The result of this process is non-toxic pearl ash/potassium carbonate… Which is then upcycled into their sustainable products!

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bookmark_borderAnother Great Shampoo Bar: Soak and Float Lush Review!

Hey earth muffins! If you are looking for an eco-friendly swap in the bathroom, I recommend switching to a shampoo bar. Lush has a ton of great ones to try out… I’ve tried a bunch of them so far; today I’ll be sharing my thoughts on the Soak and Float shampoo bar. Keep reading for everything I love (and dislike) about this sustainable product!

What I Love About This Shampoo Bar

The first pro of this shampoo bar is that it is a great sustainable alternative to typical shampoos. No plastic bottle, no packaging, and no watered down shampoo. It is always better to choose bar over bottles because they are a much more eco, zero waste swap. Lush does a great job with shipping (if you can’t pick up the bar in a local Lush store). The box it comes in is small and fits the product exactly. I love that this brand uses water soluble packing peanuts too!

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bookmark_borderIntroducing “Motivation” – Lush Liquid Eyeliner Review

Hey earth muffins! If you have been reading this blog for awhile, you will know that I am a huge fan of Lush’s shampoo bars. Once or twice a year I will place a large order on Lush to stock up on bars (and reduce my shipping impact). This time, I decided to try out some of their low waste makeup too! Back in high school I used to be much more experimental with makeup. I remember absolutely loving to wear blue eyeliner; why couldn’t I rock it now? So, I purchased Lush’s blue “Motivation” eyeliner… Keep reading for a full Lush liquid eyeliner review!

What I Love About this Product

First up, this is a great sustainable eyeliner alternative! The bottle is made of glass which can be recycled or reused once you use up the product. It also doesn’t come with a brush which is awesome because I already have my own. (You can of course buy a brush from Lush/drugstore if you don’t already have one) Lush also does a great job when shipping your products. The box is small and fits only what you ordered; in addition, it is packed full of corn packing peanuts that dissolve in water. Amazing!

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bookmark_borderModernKind Shampoo Review: A Refillabe Zero Waste Powder You HAVE to Try

Hey earth muffins! I’m a sucker for trying out new things… So I was super excited when ModernKind reached out to me and asked if I wanted to try out their new refillable, zero waste shampoo powder. Of course I did! After I used up the rest of my current shampoo bar, I started using it right away… Keep reading for a full ModernKind shampoo review!

What I Love About this Product!

The first thing I love about ModernKind’s shampoo powder is that it is truly zero waste. The powder comes in a metal bottle that can be either 1) refilled with their refill packs or 2) reused/recycled. The refill packages are compostable AND the packaging is all recyclable when it is shipped to your house. The brand definitely cares about the planet, and it shows!

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bookmark_borderEarthy Good Lip Balm Making Kit: A Review

Hey earth muffins! When I was a kid, I LOVED any sort of DIY kit. Whether it was a do-it-yourself science experiment or cupcake set, I was all over it. Did you know there are all-natural craft kits on the market?? Earthy Good was kind enough to send me their lip balm kit a few months ago. I’ve given it a try and am ready to share my thoughts with you all; keep reading for a full review of the Earthy Good lip balm kit!

What I Love About This DIY Kit

The first thing I love about this lip balm kit is that it is 100% natural. Ever since I started my eco journey, I’ve been opting for beauty products that are clean and made without any parabens or other yucky stuff. This kit is made with clean ingredients that are labeled clearly. Almost all of them are organic too!

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bookmark_borderIs That Paint?! RMS Beauty Eyelights (in an Innovative Aluminum Tube)

Hey earth muffins! If you follow me on Instagram, you would have seen a recent haul I did from the Tera app. In this haul was an adorable little tube of eyeshadow from RMS Beauty…. I’ve had plenty of time to test this product out and wanted to share my thoughts with you all today. Keep reading for a full review of the RMS Beauty eyelights cream eyeshadow (affiliate link)!

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bookmark_borderIt’s a Great Day for Cleaning (A Koala Eco Review)

Hey earth muffins! Koala Eco recently sent over some of their products to try… And it has been awesome testing out some new eco-friendly cleaning products around the house! Their natural multi-purpose kitchen cleaner is a great way to reduce your impact on the planet when it comes to cleaning. Keep reading for a full Koala Eco review!

Koala Eco Natural Multi-Purpose Kitchen Cleaner

What I Love About Koala Eco Cleaner

Like most of the products I review on this blog, this kitchen cleaner is truly sustainable. The brand bleeds sustainability through and through. The box it is shipped in is recyclable (and even has a cool built in bottle holder so that there is no need for bubble wrap or packing peanuts). The cleaner itself is biodegradable and the bottles are made of 100% recycled plastic AND are recyclable after use. Pretty awesome! 😊

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bookmark_borderIntroducing Zerra & Co Eyeshadow: A Zero Waste Makeup Staple

Hey earth muffins! When I recently bought a replacement low waste mascara, I decided to splurge on a new eyeshadow as well. I picked out this pearly pink loose mineral eyeshadow by Zerra & Co and have been absolutely loving it ever since. For today’s post, I will share what I love (and what could be improved) about this product. Let’s jump right into it!

What I Love About This Product

The first thing I love about this eyeshadow is that it is zero waste. Zerra & Co has been on my radar for a long time, as they have a great collection of low waste makeup products. Their mascara is excellent, so I knew their sustainability values would translate to their eyeshadows as well. The product is fully eco-friendly and comes in a cute little glass jar with a bamboo lid. It is shipped in 100% compostable and recyclable shipping materials too, which makes it a great plastic-free option. Zerra also has a container return program if you can’t find a way to reuse your empty jar. 😊

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